Took You Long Enough(Dad!Sam/Uncle!Dean×Daughter!/Niece!Reader)

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   You're a softball player in this story so sorry if you don't know much about it but it's the only sport I know anything about okay thanks ily guys - Emma

   You cracked open your water, taking a long sip from it as you sat on the bench in the dugout. Your coach had made you run 4 laps around the bases before the game to warm up. It was the last championship game and so far, you guys were undefeated. The only way you could get second place was if the other team won and they were good enough to. You sighed, walking out of the dugout and meeting with your coach in the field behind first base. You subtly looked at the bleachers, hoping to see your dad and uncle there. They weren't. They hadn't made it to one game this season and even if you tried to hide it, you were extremely angry. It was one thing to tell your daughter that their dad and uncle would rarely ever make it to these things, but it hurt even more that they promised each time that they would make it. 

   The coach broke up the huddle so that the game could start. You got on your catching gear and made your way to the back of the home plate. You positioned yourself, getting ready to sweat your ass off. You couldn't let a single pitch get past you, and if you did, the other team would get an advantage. You concentrated and caught the pitch every single time, or at least kept it in front of you. The umpire called the third out when someone got tagged out at first and you took off your helmet. The beads of sweat ran down your forehead and made you uncomfortable. Your ponytail was starting to become a bit loose and you tightened it while you took off the rest of your gear. You were batting second, so you were going out no matter what. You practiced your swing, your bat wound tightly in your hands and your thoughts filled with determination. 

   You stepped up to the plate and you heard the yells of your team, coach, and the other parents sitting on the bleachers. You had payed attention to the pitcher while she was warming up, noticing that she had pitched a little high. You backed up on the plate slightly, hoping that it would be lower when it got to you. Her first pitch was a ball because it was too far right for you to swing at it. Her second one, however, was absolutely perfect. You swung your bat and sent the ball flying. You sprinted towards first, noticing that you could easily make it to second. You sprinted towards it, your foot touching it as soon as the girl who had the ball tagged your shoulder.

   "Safe," screamed the umpire. Your entire team and the bleachers erupted into cheers. The next girl who was up to bat hit a line drive to third and they caught it, causing one out for your team. You cheered for her anyway, wanting her to feel supported and loved despite her mistake. 

   The pitcher pitched way outside the plate and it went behind the catcher, so you ran to third. You slid and your foot touched the base right before the third baseman tagged you. The umpire called it safe, much to the dismay of the other coach. 

   "That's an out! She tagged her before her foot hit the base!" He was enraged and the umpire shot back at him that it was his call, which shut the coach up. After many home runs and RBIs (Run Batted In: which is basically when someone's on third and the hitter gets them to home plat), your team had finally won, 17-3. The field was filled with cheers as your teammates was congratulated by their families and friends. You stood by yourself as you sighed and went into the dugout to grab your things. Some of the girls had come to give you hugs and to say that they were glad they met you and other mushy last game stuff. You smiled at them, thanking them and returning the words. Silently, you made your out the dugout when someone caught your eyes. Your dad and uncle were standing by the bleachers, yelling your name and waving their arms. 

   "(Y/N), you were amazing," you heard your dad yell as your ran up to him, giving him the biggest hug. You pulled away, looking up at him to see his hazel eyes sparkling. "I-I had no idea how good you were." Your Uncle Dean nodded along as you hugged him, too. 

   "Sorry we got here a little late, kiddo. A drive up from Arkansas isn't the quickest," Dean said as he flashed you a smile. You brought them into a big hug again, feeling tears fall down your face. Your family had finally come to see you play your favorite sport. They had finally see you excel in something that wasn't school work. 

   "It-it's okay. I'm just glad you came at all," you said shaking your head and wrapping your arms around them tighter. 

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