In Sickness and In Health (Sam×Reader)

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   This will be the very last character imagine in this story and it's very sad. !!!TRIGGER WARNING!!! - Terminal Illness is mentioned 

   Your hands shook as you drove home from the doctor's office. You couldn't believe the news that you had just gotten. In fact, you were extremely shocked to even hear it. Hunters weren't supposed to die this way. Hunters were supposed to go out heroically taking out a demon or a werewolf, not like this. Your main concern was how Sam was going to react. You knew he was going to search nonstop for a cure, but you didn't want him to. Maybe this was how you were supposed to go. Maybe this would urge the boys to be happier and get out of the life once and for all after you were gone. 

   You pulled into the garage of the bunker, getting out of your car and mentally preparing yourself for what was to come. Sam probably wasn't even home from the hunt yet. Sam was probably still in Delaware hunting the pack of werewolves that were causing chaos in a small town. You could die at any second and there was no way to tell Sam if he wasn't home. Your demise could even come before he gets home from this hunt. You opened the big steel door and were surprised to see that Sam and Dean were sitting at the library table. You smiled for the first time that entire day as you walked up to Sam to give him a hug. He smiled down at you, wrapping his strong arms around your body and kissed the top of your head. 

   "How was your appointment," he asked as he pulled away, pulling out a chair for you to sit at the table with them.

   "It was, uh, it was good." You were lying right through your teeth because everything was certainly not good. Everything you were doing could be the last time you would be doing it. You took notice of Sam and Dean both furrowing their eyebrows slightly and ignoring it. You knew that they heard the hesitation in your voice, but you just didn't have the heart tell either of them, especially Sam, that you were dying so soon. You just couldn't tell him a mere hour after you found out. You leaned your head on his shoulder as you felt tears make their way down your cheeks. You wiped your face, trying to disguise that you were wiping away tears the best you could. Sam wrapped his arm around your waist and kissed your forehead as he scrolled through news websites on his laptop.

   Later that night, you had decided that you were going to tell Sam. It was still a little hard for you to even wrap your head around it, but you didn't want to risk anything. Sam had just hopped out of the shower, making you even more nervous. He would be in bed any second now and that's when you'd have to tell him. You'd have to tell him that it was destroying you from the inside out and there was no way to cure it. There were no medications or treatments or spells that could help you that weren't dangerous. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you felt Sam's hands on your waist, pulling you closer. 

  "Sam, honey, I have something to tell you," you sighed out as Sam looked into your eyes, causing you to choke up.

   "Yeah?" This was it. This was when you told him that you were dying. This was when you told him that there would only be a few more movie nights or a few more dates to the library. This was when you told him that your dreams of being together until you were in rocking chairs would be unobtainable. This. Was. It. 

   "I-I have c-cancer," you choked out as tears fell out of your eyes. His eyes were suddenly void of all color, void of all hope, void of all emotion. "A-and I don't want you t-to try to save me or cure me. Don't ev-even think about selling your soul to get me back. I-I wan-want out of this life, and even though I'm l-leaving you, anything is better than hunting everyday of my life." Sam nodded and buried his face into your hair. You felt him sigh and then he looked back into your eyes. 

   "Okay," he said. You were shocked. You figured Sam would put up more of a fight and that he would argue with you, but he didn't. Sam agreed with you. "If that's what you want, I won't interfere. But promise me one thing."

   "Yeah, Sammy?"

   "That you save me a spot right next to you when you get to heaven. I love you, (Y/N)," he whispered as his arms tightened around your waist. 

   "I love you so much more, babe." 

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