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Couple years back...

Jennie's POV
I sat down on a bench and watched all the kids ran around the playground, sliding down the slide, swinging, playing tag and more. It was a cool weather since it was afternoon.

I was reading my book called Curious George while
looking out for my ride to come and get me.

"Hey, whatcha reading?" I looked up and saw a brown-haired girl looking at me.

"Curious George," I said back softly smiling at her.

"Oh cool, do you mind if I sit here?" said the brown-haired girl pointing to the vacant side by me.

"I don't mind at all," I said back as she smiled at me and proceed to sit down.

That smile looks so beautiful, fits her nicely I thought.

"So what's your name?" the brown-haired girl ask.

"My name is Jennie Kim, how about you?" I ask her.

She smiled at me and said "My name is Lalisa Manoban" oh wow what a weird name.

"Weird right? It's because I'm from Thailand but not all people from Thailand have weird names" she chuckled, oh my that sounds so nice.

She grabs something behind me and yanked it. It was a pink rose.

"Here for you" she handed me the pink rose as I blush and said Thank You.

"So how old are you?" Lalisa asked.

"I'm seven years old, how about you Lalisa," I asked.

"ooh I'm six years old, haha you're my unnie" she laughs, wow her laugh is so nice.

I just smiled at her.

"Unnie I have to go, byeeeee!" she hugged me and kissed my cheeks, I'm pretty sure I went tomato red haha.

I hugged her back.

As she was walking away I yelled:
"Will you be back tomorrow?"

"Maybe!" Lalisa yelled back smiling at me.

Then she left.

I look down at the pink rose she gave and smiled.

AN: Hey guys! So this is my first time writing a book so that means I'm still a rookie, I also have been wanting to write my own stories but I just stick with reading. Anyways, hope you guys like/enjoy this new book :)

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