Chapter 18

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Four years later...

Lisa's POV
"Miss Manoban, you have two meetings later, one at twelve thirty and another one at two fifty" my assistant said going inside my office with papers in her hand.

"Alright, thanks for informing me" I told my assistant and told her she can take a break.

It's been four years since I left. My parents gave me the company two years ago. They said I'm prepared to take on our family business so they gave it to me. I work off my ass hard for this opportunity so I'm really glad they entrusted me with it. Also because I'm their only child so that means either way I'm gonna get it.

"Lisa, you've been working non-stop since we came here... why don't you take some break?" my father came in leaning on my table.

"But dad, I have to work... I'm very busy with all the papers... I still have to sign some papers later after my two meetings" I told my dad while crossing my legs underneath my table and leaning back.

"That's why... you need a break or even a vacation... at least just take two days off or two weeks off" my father said, now looking at my wall that's filled with pictures and books.

"She's very pretty, you would've match with her" my father said pointing at one of the girls on one of the pictures.

I walked up to where he was standing and looked at who he was pointing at.

"Jennie Kim?" I asked my dad while looking at her picture making me smile like a fool.

"Yeah, maybe you should see her when you take your vacation" my father said before leaving my office.

"And your vacation starts tomorrow, so get everything done today" my father said and while leaving my office and closes the glass door.

"Maybe I should, it's been years since I last saw her... and the other two too" I murmured to myself.

"Miss, the cars ready and all your papers for your first meeting today" my assistant said coming.

"Thank you and didn't I said to take a break?" I asked my assistant.

"But Miss Manoban, I had to fix some of your papers before I take my break" she told me looking down.

"I understand and thank you again. You can take your break now. I'll call you later if I need anything" I told her grabbing my phone putting it in my back pocket and taking my folder from my assistant.

I left the office and the building and got inside my car and started the engine.

Jennie's POV
"How's my patient doing today?" I asked one of my patients who's laying down in their hospital bed.

"I'm doing great doctor Kim" my little patient said smiling and giving me a thumbs up.

"That's good then, and maybe you leave after a couple days?" I asked him while messing up his hair and smiling at him.

"But I wanna stay here because of you I'm not afraid of any needles now. I'm brave!" smiled the five year old patient to me.

"Now that's what I call Brave!" I smiled at him.

"Doctor Kim, when are you gonna have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" asked the five year old.

"Maybe someday but not today, I'm very busy" I told him. "I'll see you later okay? I have to visit some of my patients too. Okay?" I told him as he smiled and just nodded. I left the room and walked down the hallway to my other patients.

"When will I be in a relationship? I haven't even thought of that since I became a doctor three years ago" I asked myself.

"Maybe when she comes back?" said the person behind me.

I turned around and see Rosé walking behind me.

"Yahh! Aren't you supposed to be checking on your patients?" I asked the other doctor who's by my side now.

"I already did, I just finished checking on my last patient" she said smiling.

"When do you think I'm gonna see her again?" I asked the other doctor.

"I don't know, but I heard she's the CEO of her parents company now. So I'm guessing she's very busy to visit us at the moment" Rosé said walking by my side.

"I heard too, their company is doing well" I told her smiling.

"So how's you and Jisoo?" I asked taking a glance at her.

"Jisoo too, she's been very busy with her work" she said pouting.

"Well, you're both very busy" I told her chuckling.

"Yeah But we still make time for each other" she said smiling again.

"I'm gonna go on break, while you check your patients. I'll see you later Doctor Kim" she said while walking inside the cafeteria.

"I'll see you later Doctor Park" I said while walking away to one of my patients room.

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