Chapter 29

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Jennie's POV
While making dinner for the both of us, a smile spread across my face thinking about Lisa, how she makes my heart full every time and anytime. I can't wait to be married to her one day and have our own little family. I can't wait-

"Hey babe" an arm encircled it's way around my waist making me lean on her chest and laying my head down on her shoulders while she just lightly pecks my neck down to my collarbone.

"Hey, how was your nap?" I asked the tall girl still laying my head on her shoulders.

"It was good, gave me lots of energy for later on" she said smirking.

"And what do you mean by that hm?" I asked the girl turning around in her arms while wrapping my arms around her neck.

"For me to know, and for you to find out" after saying that she then winked and left me while she walked towards the couch sitting down and turning on the flat screen tv.

"Okay fine, I'll find it out later then" I said to myself then turn back to cooking our dinner.

While eating dinner

"So what do you wanna do tonight?" Lisa asked while munching on her food.

"Maybe star gazing and looking at the Northern Lights?" I asked her as she just nodded.

"Alright then we can do that and more..." she said saying the last part quietly thinking that I didn't hear it.

While we finished dinner, Lisa started washing dishes while I prepare our clothes so we both can go outside and star gaze while looking up at the Northern Lights.

"Lis? You done yet?" I asked the girl who came in laying down on our bed.

"Yeah I'm done now" she said looking at me.

"Let's put on our clothes and go outside" I told Lisa while pulling her up.

Outside their hotel

"Lisa look, it's the Northern Lights" I said while pointing at the sky above me while admiring the beautiful view.

Lisa's POV
"It's so beautiful Jennie" I said to her while I glance at my smiling girlfriend who was admiring the beautiful view above her while I just admire the girl in my arms.

"Lisa, I wanna come back here when we have our own little family" she said jokingly but I knew that she meant it.

As she turned to me she looked at me and grabbed my face planting a kiss on my lips while we both savor the moment.

It was a very surreal moment for the both of us, kissing under the stars was enough but under the Northern Lights was more beyond.

The kiss was short but soft, gentle and filled with passion.

After the kiss, we just smiled at eachother and leaned our foreheads together.

After building a snowman, making snow angels we went back to our hotel room and laid down beside the fireplace.

"Lisa, I love this so much. If you propose right now I'll say yes immediately you know" she said making me smile then chuckle after making her look at me with her blank face.

"Oh, you meant it?" I asked while looking at her with my mouth slightly open while she just rolls her eyes.

"Tell me why I said yes to be your girlfriend again?" She asked making me pout while pulling her closer to my body while she just turns her back on me while facing the other side.

"I don't have the ring yet" I said while hugging her from behind and pecking her shoulder.

"Well, when are you gonna get it? I'm getting impatient you know?" She said while turning around facing me this time while I just smile at her and peck her nose then her lips.

"Soon my love" I told her while she hugs my waist and hides her face at the crook of my neck.

I started to play with the strands of her hair when she looked up at me smiling and planted another soft kiss on my lips.

I then grabbed her waist and hovered over her while kissing her lips down to her jawline.

"Mhmm Lisa," she said lowly while I quickly take a glance at her smiling then going back to her jawline then moving down and sucking on her collarbone.

She then wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her body making her groan.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked stopping worried that she thinks we're going to fast.

"Nothing, it's just that it's too hot" she said pouting.

"That's not a problem we can turn off the heater and turn on the AC" I quickly told her getting up but before I got up my arm was pulled making me look at her eyes.

"No, I meant, between us. It's too hot. I think" she then started playing with the buttons on my shirt then unbuttoning my button up shirt and taking it out while smiling at me.

How can someone look so cute, hot and sexy at the same time? I thought to myself.

I then felt a pair of lips sucking my neck making me come back to reality.

"Mhmm come closer I need you right now" she groaned as she wrapped her arms around my neck again and pulling me back down making me lay on top of her.

"Your lips and eyes be saying the same thing babe, are you sure you want this?" I asked the girl who was under me sucking my neck.

"I'm pretty sure Lisa, I've been waiting for too long and I'm not stopping now and I don't care if there's an earthquake coming I'm not stopping just so I can taste-"

I quickly cut her off by kissing her lips and sucking her bottom lip while inserting my tongue into her mouth making her gasped.

I got up and positioned myself infront of her with my arms in each side of her shoulders and looked at her eyes which filled desire and hunger.

I then slowly rake my nails across her chest making her breath hitched.

I slowly got down ghosting over her neck with my lips feeling her deeply breathe in making me smirk.

"Lisa... please..." she begged turning me on.

I obliged to what she said and got closer to her and roughly sucked on her neck leaving love marks making her roll her eyes at the back of her head.

I then grabbed her left leg and hooked it around my waist making me grind on her at a slow pace while she throws her head back digging her nails in my nape making me bite on her neck as she groans my name softly.

"Fuck Lisa" she moaned turning me on even more while her hands explore my back unclasping my bra.

I move my left leg in between her things rubbing her spot softly making her grunt in pleasure. I then slid my hand under her shirt and grasp her boobs under her bra squeezing them softly doing the same on her right boob making her gasps and moaned at the contact of my hand squeezing each of her boobs.

She then removed her shirt quickly exposing her kissable skin making my head spin crazy at the view infront of me.

"Lisa, take me" She husked out making me focus on her lustful yet filled with love eyes.

She then unbuttons my pants making me stand up and pulling them down and going back to hover over her body kissing her jawline to her neck down to her collarbone as she shut her eyes tightly.

AN: Hi guys! I just wanted to say thank you for reading my book and I'm gonna be updating more because school is about to start. So anyways hope you guys have a good day!

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