Chapter 13

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No one's POV
"So, who's ready for tomorrow night? I know I am" Jisoo said getting excited.

"Oh me too! I can't wait to dance" said Lisa getting excited while putting her hands up in the air.

"I'll see you guys later, I gotta go to my classes. My professor hates it when his students are late" said Jennie walking away.

"See you later Jennie, and I'll see you guys later too," said Lisa giving Rosé a pec on her lips and walks away.

Rosé's POV
I feel so guilty for doing this Lisa. She deserves better. She doesn't deserve someone like me.

Whenever I'm with Jisoo it feels so right but it's wrong because I'm cheating on Lisa.

I should've broken up with her first before I started dating Jisoo behind her back.

I feel so ugh, I murmured to myself.

"Hey, you okay?" Asked Jisoo rubbing my back.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just feel bad for doing this to Lisa" I told Jisoo sadly.

Jisoo's POV
I looked around the hallway if it's clear.

I then kissed her lips while giving a half smile afterward.

We both walked to our class, which we both have together.

When we got inside, the teacher asked why we were late, but I told her we needed to run some errands for another teacher.


Lisa's POV
"I'm gonna finish my work at the library, I'll see you guys later" I said standing up.

But actually, I was gonna go up there again. And I'm pretty sure Jennie is up there too.

When I got there I wasn't surprised. I knew she would be there.

"What made you come up here?" I asked the girl while taking a seat beside her.

"Just thinking, what about you?" Asked the girl while taking a glance at me and turning her head back to our view.

"I feel weird, I feel like Rosé's hiding something but I can't pinpoint what it is" I told her.

"Maybe you should ask her?" Jennie said Turing her whole body to face me.

"Maybe I should, if she ever has the time to hang out with me," I told her while looking down and playing with my fingers.

"I'm pretty sure she's gonna want to hang out with you, besides shes your girlfriend anyways," she said while grabbing my hands and putting it on top of hers.

"I don't get why you're not in a relationship yet," I said looking at her.

"Well Maybe because I'm not looking for one yet,"  she said while caressing my hands with her thumbs.

"But don't you know? Everyone in this school wants you" I told her chuckling.

"Well I do like someone but, I don't think I'll have a chance with them" she said looking down.

"I'm pretty sure the person you like will like you back, you treat people good. Heck if I'm not in a relationship right now, I would have probably asked you out already" I told her honestly.

"Wow, Lalisa Manoban, wow" she said while chuckling.

"Hey, I'm not joking, but I can't because I'm loyal to Rosé. We made a promise to each other. Whatever happens, we'll be together." I said while smiling at her, smiling at the thought of Rosé.

"She must be lucky to have you" Jennie said while looking at me.

"She sure is" I said back.

~Saturday night~

Rosé's POV
I just left Lisa's house, now we're on our way to pick up Jisoo and Jennie.

We were singing along to Ariana Grande's song.

People at the back of us kept beeping, it's not because of how I drive, it's because we're too loud.

We just ignored them seeing and kept singing at the top of our lungs.

I was still careful with driving though.

I got to Jisoo's house and beep my horn signaling the girl to come out of her house.

When she came out she had her ears plugged in with her index fingers on both sides of her face.

"We didn't even get to the party and you're already singing and dancing" complained Jisoo but afterward started singing with us too while laughing.

Then we got to Jennie's house who was alarmed at how loud we were.

She then got in and sat beside Jisoo.

"Geez I thought you guys were bringing the party to me," she said while chuckling.

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