Chapter 4

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Lisa's POV
I notice Jisoo walked in with a girl.

Wait, isn't she the girl that bump me? I thought.

Jisoo called out for our names as we waved back to her signaling for her to come here with the girl.

Jisoo sat down across from me as the girl sat down across Rosé.

I learned that her name was Jennie Kim.

"Hey, Lisa right?" asked the girl.

"Ne" I said nodding at her.

"Have I seen you before? you look really familiar" asked Jennie.

I scrunch up my face and made a thinking face.

"Hmm, I don't think so," I said looking back at the girl.

I put my hand around Rosé's waist and lean on her shoulder.

"I'm hungry, can we get food?" I asked out of nowhere. Making everyone in the table laugh.

"Of course we can, that's why we're in the cafe Limario," said Jisoo in a duhh tone making Rosé and Jennie laugh so I just look at them but soon laugh afterward.

"Your reactions are so late geez" said Rosé laughing at me.

"And does it look like I care?" I said looking at her then at her lips then back to her eyes and smiled.

Jennie's POV

It is her, the girl that gave me the pink rose. Wow, she changed, from brown-haired girl to blonde-haired girl. And got way taller. No wonder I didn't really notice that was her.

"Jennie, do you not want any food?" Asked Jisoo who was standing up.

"Yeah sure," I said as I got up too and walk with her to the food area where Lisa and Rosé were at.

I grab the foods and drinks that look delicious and put it on my tray and walked back to our table with Jisoo.

Lisa's POV
After grabbing our foods and drinks we went back to sit down at our table and go to know Jennie more.

I took out the note in the pocket that I had written earlier this morning and slid it into Rosé's hands which caught her attention.

"Hmm, what's this?" Rosé said opening the note while the other two girls in front of us talked about their classes and didn't notice me sliding a note to Rosé's hands.

"Read it" I told her playing with the strands of her hair.

"Alright then" Rosé said already reading the note.

Rosé's POV
Lisa slid a note into my hands which caught my attention and asked what it was.

She told to read which I gladly did.

I could tell she was writing fast because of the messy handwriting but I could still read it clearly and it says:
Go out with me today after school?

I blushed hard at my girlfriend's note and look at her nodding while smiling.

She's so cute, my Limario is too cute I thought.

"So it's a yes?" asked Lisa smiling as I nodded at her.

"What are you guys talking about?" asked Jisoo who was looking at me and Lisa weirdly.

"Oh just this one being sweet and all," I said looking at Lisa who was smiling while I was trying to hide my cheeks that I'm pretty sure went deep red.

"Oh alright then, hey Rosé are you gonna eat your last piece of chicken? If not can I have it?" asked Jisoo which made me chuckle and nod giving it to her who smiled wholeheartedly.

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