Special Chapter

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Lisa's POV
"Lisa, Lisa, hey Lalice wake up" ugh what time is it? how did I even fell asleep?

"Yah Lalisa, wake up our teacher is waiting for us to leave, he doesn't want us to stay here" Rosé then started shaking my shoulders more aggressively.

"Will you stop? And okay, I'm awake now" I rubbed my eyes with my hand and grabbed all my things before leaving the room with Rosé.

"So what made you dream for you to take a long ass nap?" Asked Rosé who's now walking by my side as we walk to our next class which was, ugh Math. Math itself stressed the crap out of me, even just thinking about it.

"I don't know actually, I don't recall. But I'm pretty sure it was a good one? I don't know" I shrug.

"Yah! Twin Towers! What took you so long to walk to class? You know that I don't take very good notes for math! That's Rosé's job. Taking notes" Jisoo unnie just went more and more lecturing us about being almost late to class. Almost.

We then sat in our seats. It was Jisoo unnie, Me, Rosé and some more other random kids. The seats were all in rows and we were seated at the third row.

"Yah! Ms. Kim stop talking, our class is about to start" after being embarrassed by our math teacher, Jisoo unnie then stop talking and said sorry to our teacher while Rosé and I tried to hold back our laughter.

"Watch your back" Jisoo unnie then quietly threatened us while facing our teacher.

After our long math class, we then proceeded to the café as it was recess. As usual, we just buy our food and sit on one of the empty tables and eat our food.

"So sleepover later?" Rosé asked the two of us.

"Sure, just pick me up" Jisoo unnie said while devouring the last piece of her chicken.

"What about you Lice? Need to get picked up too?" I then shake my head telling her no.

"It's okay, my mom can drive me to your house" I told her.

After recess, we then started walking to our next class which was English.

While walking with Jisoo unnie and Rosé, I bump to a girl with brown hair.

Hmm, feels like Déjà vu. I shrugged off the thoughts and keep walking to class with my two bestfriends.

After getting in class, our teacher then started lecturing us about Shakespeare, telling us we'll be doing a play in about two weeks. Of course, everyone in our class groaned. We hated doing plays.

About fifteen minutes of our teacher telling us about Shakespeare's love for poetry a knock was heard in our door as it opened revealing our school counselor.

"Sorry to interrupt your class Mr. Gomes but" she then stop talking and called someone from outside.

Me being me didn't pay attention as I know it was another new student. I didn't really care honestly. I then looked down on my paper and continued answering the worksheet that was handed to us.

"Jennie Kim"

After hearing that name I then looked up.

"As long as I see you at the end of the altar, I'm good. I don't have to be nervous"

Now I remember what my dream was about. She was part of it. No way. No freaking way. Wait. Wait. Waitttttt.

I gave her a pink rose before I moved to a new school. I then gasped getting everyone's attention. Including the new girl at the front.

"Jennie Kim, long time no see."

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