Chapter 24

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Lisa's POV
After eating we just decided to go and watch movies for the whole day.

I started to get sleepy and decided to go to sleep already.

"Unnies, I'm going to bed I'm tired. Goodnight" I told the three going inside my room laying down.

After a good twenty minutes I couldn't sleep so I kept moving around trying to find the comfy spot when I heard the door open I quickly closed my eyes while hugging my pillow that was laying on top of me.

Jennie's POV
After a couple of minutes after Lisa went inside her room I decided to use the bathroom since I couldn't hold on my pee anymore.

Rosé's POV
While watching the movie I decided to go to Lisa's room after twenty minutes to tell her what I needed to tell her after so long of not seeing her.

I was about to knock when I remembered that she might've fallen asleep already so I just walked in and sat on the edge of her bed while looking at her making me smile remembering our memories together that we shared in the past.

The good and the bad.

"Lisa, I know you're asleep right now but I just wanted to tell you that... Thank you for being a part of my life, it wasn't easy for me when I was falling out of love for you. What made it more harder was that I knew I was already falling in love with someone else while I was still in your arms. I felt guilty doing that to you especially when you walked in on us. I felt really guilty seeing your eyes. But what hurt me more was that you had someone else in your arms. I wasn't mad, but upset? Yes I was upset because that meant I was gonna be replaced with someone else who's gonna be a better girlfriend than me. I remembered that night when you left, I bawled down infront of Jisoo after Jennie telling me not to go after you. I'm really sorry for that event Lisa, I really am. But now seeing that we're both happy with someone else means that we accepted the past and moved on from it. Thank you for that Lisa, thank you because I get to call Jisoo mine now and you have your Jennie. I love you so much bestfriend." After saying what I felt, I then kissed her forehead and looked at her one last time smiling ear to ear.

"You're the one for Jennie, and Jennie's the one for you. I know it." I then left after, going back out the room and sitting down next to Jisoo on the couch who fell asleep and cuddled her.

Lisa's POV
After hearing what Rosé said I teared up. I didn't know what to say but agree with Rosé that we both have moved on and found someone else who can both make us happy.

I really love my bestfriend.

Jennie's POV
After peeing and washing my hands I went out and saw Rosé coming out from Lisa's room which kinda made me jealous but not jealous because I know that she already have Jisoo with her so I decided to go inside Lisa's room without knocking.

I sat at the edge of her bed and admire her face noticing that she teared up. Maybe because of her dream?

I sat closer to her trying not to wake her up.

"I've been wanting to talk to you for so long. And right now even though you're sleeping I'm gonna tell you so I'll be more prepared when I tell you face to face." I said while looking at her smiling.

"Lalisa, you make me very happy. I don't know how to say this but I'll just tell you straightforward, I really care for you... I have feelings for you... I like- no... I love you... so much Lalisa, you make me very happy just by hearing your name... I really love you" there, I confessed to her. Before going out I kissed her forehead and held on the door knob and turned around.

I walked back to her and laid down next to her while back hugging her. I love this girl so much.

Lisa's POV
Wow. Just wow. I never knew that this day would come. And knowing that she loves me made me smile even more. Now, when can I make this girl be mine?

Jennie's POV
She looks so good while sleeping. Her side profile literally takes your breath away. She's to die for. He skin is so soft. I wonder if one day I get to wake up beside her and get to admire her beauty maybe caress her face too.

Her brown hair always gets to me, but how? I don't know. It just gets to me. I literally can't explain how I feel towards her whenever I'm by her side or whenever she looks at me. She just takes my breath away.

"You look so pretty... even when you're sleeping... I wanna witness this every night and morning" and at that time I knew (I fucked up jk) I'm falling more inlove with you" I started caressing her jawline to her shoulders. She looks so perfect. How can be a human this perfect?

"You know... I... never mind, I'll save that for when you're awake..." I kissed her forehead and got up from the bed but before I opened the door I looked back and decided to sleep next to her. Without realizing I hugged her waist and fell asleep. Hmm she's so comfy.

Morning came when I remembered about my dream last night making me smile from ear to ear. I finally confessed to her and told her that I love her. Wasn't that easy? Now for the real one.

AN: Wow what a chapter huh? And wow I didn't know I'd ever reach 10k, thank you guys so much and also the girls are killing it!💓💗💓

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