Chapter 37

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A couple months passed  after the Birthday

Jennie's POV
"Oh my gosh when did she do it?" I asked Rosé on the phone while squealing like a fangirl.

"When you come and visit go to me first so I can see it!" I told Rosé while smiling at how happy she sounds.

"Eomma(mommy) why awe you loud?" little Jay asked while I just smiled at him.

"It's a secret, you'll find out when aunt Rosé and aunt Jisoo comes and visit us" I told my little boy who just nodded and continued coloring on his coloring books.

"When is eomma(mum) coming home? I wanna play with her" Little Jay pouted looking at Jennie who just ruffled his hair.

"Eomma(mum) is coming in a few hours because she's working" I told him while he just heaves a sigh.

Aishhh is he learning this from Lisa again? I'm gonna talk to her about this.

"JENNIE!" Yelled someone from outside as they opened our door.

"ROSÉ! OH MY GOSH! I wanna see the bling!" I told Rosé while I quickly walked to her side seeing the diamond that Jisoo proposed with.

"This is amazing, but of course, mine is better" I told Rosé who just scoffed while rolling her eyes.

"Yeah yeah" Rosé then said waving me off.

"I heard my Jisoo proposed, Rosé I wanna see the ring" Lisa asked coming inside with Jisoo tailing behind her then going to Rosé hugging her from the back.

"I thought you're coming home till later babe?" I asked her going up to my wife and pecking her lips while she just wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Well I decided to come home early, Jisoo called me earlier and said that she's proposing today, so I've decided to come home so we can go to their house and congratulate them but, they came here so, CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO!" Lisa said screaming the last sentence which made everyone in the room cover their ears.

"Eomma(mum) you loud" our little boy said while covering his ears.

Lisa then just laugh and went to our son and kissed his cheeks who just smiled at her showing his gummy smile.

"He's so cute, he's looking more like Jennie as he grows up" Rosé said while pinching my son's cheeks causing the little boy to groan and move Rosé's hand away.

"Even has your attitude, aishhh that's a problem" Jisoo said laughing making Rosé slap her arm.

"I'm a good boy aunt Jisoo!" the little boy said while pouting and crossing his arms.

"Wow, yup. Little Jackson is sure little Jennie. And who says that you're not a good boy?" Jisoo asked while ruffling his hair.

"Me..." Jisoo told Jay seriously then laugh after making the little boy cry.

"Ahhh Jisoo unnieeee, why'd you make my baby boy cry" Lisa said while hugging our little boy and placing him in her arms trying to calm him down.

"Rosé, are you planning to have a kid?" I whispered to her who just looked at me with that "are you kidding me? Is that even a question" look making me laugh.

"Okay, okay I wanna see the ring please," Lisa said making Rosé walk to her. After a couple of seconds looking at Rosé's ring, she then said "Daebak! But ours is better" Lisa told the two who just rolled their eyes at her.

"Stop that! Jay might copy you guys" I told the two who just shrugged and laughed after.


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