Chapter 34

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Rosé's POV
"Why do I feel like somethings gonna happen today?" Jisoo asked who was busily cooking our breakfast.

"Hm me too, I feel like Cupid's in the air today" I said while Jisoo munches on something while moving her eyebrows up and down at me.

"No, not tonight maybe next time, I'm on my monthly babe" I told Jisoo who just whined making me laugh.

"Babe, I promise, next time" I told her while walking up to her from my seat infront of the counter and hugging her from behind while kissing her neck lightly.

"Yeah, Cupid's doing something today" Jisoo said making the both of us laugh.

"When do you think Lisa's doing it?" I asked as I go back to my seat to watch my girlfriend continue cooking our breakfast.

"I don't know, she hasn't been talking about it for a couple of days" Jisoo said while flipping the pancake in the air making me feel proud that she's my girlfriend also for not dropping the pancake on the ground like the last time making me chuckle at the memory.

Jisoo's POV
After eating our breakfast we decided to have a movie marathon while eating Chicken and chips.


I then look at my phone and see who texted me.

From Bamboo stick Manoban🎋: Bring Jennie to this place at five thirty, I'll be waiting! (Address of the location)

After reading Lisa's text my mouth instantly formed a smile, Cupid is in the air today.

"Did something happened for you to smile like that?" Asked Rosé who was laying her head on top of my head while I lean on her left shoulder.

"It's happening babe" I told Rosé smiling widely as I look at Rosé's shock face.

"Jinjja? Ohmygod" Rosé said while covering her face.

"We have to make Jennie look gorgeous, Ohmygod babe! I'm so happy for them!" Rosé said squealing and clapping her hands like a happy seal making me smile at how cute my chipmunk look like now.

One day, our time will come. Don't worry you'll be happier my Park Chaeyoung I thought to myself while smiling at the idea.


From Bamboo stick Manoban 🎋: Make sure she feels refreshed, go to the spa, I booked it already. Also bring Rosé too

After getting the text message from Lisa I showed Rosé the text as she started squealing more, more than earlier.

At the spa

"This feels so nice, but why bring me to the spa so suddenly?" Jennie asked curiously.

"Because you're our friend and why not? Girls day out but without Lisa" I told her making her nod while pouting.

"Hey, why are you pouting? You should be smiling because don't you love going to the spa?" I asked the girl who just looked at me pouting.

"Maybe because she wants Lisa to be here too" Rosé said while going behind me and hugging me.

"It's just that I haven't seen her since last night and I'm really worried, I have these weird feelings in my stomach that somethings gonna happen later on" Jennie said while rubbing her stomach. Aishhh she's nervous, it's okay to be nervous Jennie but you'll find out soon why you're feeling the way you're feeling.

"It's okay Jennie, why don't we just relax here and forget about all the stressful things such as our work" Rosé told Jennie while putting her right arm around her neck while looking at me as I just smile and nod at her for making up the sentence.

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