Chapter 19

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Lisa's POV
My vacation officially starts today. I mean I would rather work than not working honestly. Vacation is just a waste of time for me when I have a company to run. Aishh.

So today my parents booked me a flight to South Korea. I miss Korea and the people there. I wonder how my friends are doing. Maybe I should pay them a visit when I arrive.

I quickly grab my phone from my bag calling up a friend of mine to come and pick me up in a couple of hours.

"Everybody, we're taking off. Please turn off all your gadgets and put on your seatbelt thank you" one the flight attendant called through the speakers.

"Miss, we're here" the person who's sitting next to me said while tapping my shoulder.

The whole ride to Korea made me sleepy and didn't know that we already landed.

"I came back Korea, did you miss Lalisa Manoban?" I said smiling.

"Lalisaaaaaaa" I turned around looking for the person's voice who called out my name. As soon as I saw the person I ran to her with my luggage.

"I miss you so muchhhhh" the person ran to me and hugged me tightly squeezing the life out of me.

I tried pushing the person away from me but they didn't let go so I just stayed in the same position praying that they stop hugging me already.

When the person let go, I cough so hard trying to gain back my oxygen from the tightest hugged I've ever had.

"Come on! Unnie is waiting for you at home" she grabbed my hand and did not let go till we reached her car.

"Chaeyoung, you grasp my risk to hard and now it's red! Look!" I told the girl who was putting on her seatbelt while showing her the bruise that she had made.

"It's gonna be gone later on, stop whining," Rosé said starting the car and leaving the airport.

"Anyways, how long will you be staying here?" Rosé ask taking a glance at me then back at the road.

"Two weeks" I blankly said while looking at the buildings on my window side.

"You need more than two weeks, we missed you and I don't two weeks is enough" Rosé said honestly.

"It is enough, and I still have to do more work when I get back" I told the girl who was just nodding her head away.

"If you say so" Rosé said while turning on the radio of her car as a random song comes on.

"Were you busy when I called you?" I asked the girl.

"Well not really, I was actually on break when you called. But I just finished earlier" she said still looking ahead.

"Ohhh Okay" I said while nodding my head and laying my head on my window side.

"Are you gonna stay at a hotel?" Asked Rosé.

"Mhm, I am" I answered back closing my eyes.

"Alright" she said nodding.

~At the hotel~

"Lisa, we're here. The hotel you said" Rosé said while shaking my shoulders to wake me up.

"Oh oh" I said while sitting up and getting out the car to get my luggage from Rosé's trunk.

We then started to walk inside stopping by the check-in area.

"Can I get your last name, Miss?" Asked the front desk lady.

"Manoban" I said giving a small smile as the lady nodded and started doing her thing on her computer and handed me the keys to my room.

"Have a good stay Miss Manoban" waves the lady as we started walking towards the elevator.

I then turned around and waved back.

"So, I was planning if we can all go somewhere for dinner later after the two finishes their work" Rosé said while clicking the elevator then going inside with me following behind.

"Sure, just let me rest" I chuckled getting out the elevator and looked for my room number.

"Alright Manoban, ill see you later" Rosé said while hugging me and going back to the elevator.

I then got inside after seeing the elevator door closes.

After I opened the door to my room I drop everything I was carrying and jump on my bed closing my eyes.

"I can't wait for dinner" I murmured to myself while drifting off to sleep.

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