Chapter 12

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~At school~

No one's POV
"So what time do we have to be at the party?" asked Lisa while hugging Rosé from behind.

"Around seven thirty should be good," Jisoo said avoiding eye contact with Rosé.

"Alright, so we're all meeting there or?" asked Lisa.

"I could drive and get you guys, so we can go home all together" Rosé suggested looking at Jisoo who's looking anywhere but her.

"Alright, I'll need a ride to go there anyways" Jennie said taking out her books from her locker.

"Alright, so it's set then," Rosé said letting go of Lisa's arms that were around her.


Lisa's POV
"Where's Jennie?" I asked the two who were already sitting down with food on our table.

"I don't know, after our class, she just left," said Rosé.

"Oh alright, I'll go look for her. I have to ask her about our homework anyways" I said leaving the two.

"Alright, I'll see you after school then," Rosé said.

Before I went to find Jennie, I went to my free space from everyone.

I always go there whenever I have something in my mind or if I feel like I needed to escape school.

I pushed the door and walked to the only bench that showed the whole view of the school.

"How'd you find this place?" I asked the person.

The girl turned around looking shocked.

"Lisa?" the girl said.

"Jennie Kim?" I said out loud.

"I'm sorry, you just look like this girl I adored since I met her at the park," I said sitting down by her on the bench.

"Lisa, it's me. I'm that girl, that girl you gave a pink Rose to" said the girl looking at me.

"Oh my god, so you've been here the whole time? And you didn't even say a word?" I said facing her.

"Well I thought you'd find out," she said playing with her fingers while turning to face the whole view of the school.

"I had a feeling, but I thought I was just imagining it so I didn't think really much of it," I said facing the whole view of school too.

"Well, you should focus on your surroundings too," Jennie said.

The wind blew on her face making her hair move to her side.

She looks so pretty I thought.

I move closer to her and hugged her waist.

"I'm sorry," I said to her.

"Why are you saying sorry for?" Jennie asked.

"Because, I never got to see you after that day," I said pouting while looking at her.

She turned her face to her left side so she's facing me. She then moved a strand of my hair to my side.

"It's okay, I'm here now," she said smiling, I smiled back at her.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked her letting go of her waist.

"I don't know, I just ended up here," she said chuckling.

"Really? It was hard for me to find this place" I told the girl.

"Well you found it" she said smiling while chuckling.

"I'm glad I'm found it," I said smiling back.

Jennie's POV
I went back to our cafeteria but before I could go inside I saw two figures kissing in a dim hallway.

I went closer to the two figures, but not to close for them to notice me.

My eyes widened when I saw the two figures clearly.

I walked away fast as possible.

I went to the closest restroom and washed my face and look in the mirror seeing myself.

Does she know? How is she gonna feel about it? Is she gonna be okay? I thought to myself.

My poor Lalisa.

Should I tell her about it? I thought to myself.

"Jennie? Is something wrong?" asked the girl who was behind me.

I turned around seeing Jisoo who looks worried.

"Oh no- nothing, I just felt like was I gonna faint so I went here to wash my face," I told the girl taking some paper towels.

"Oh okay," Jisoo said going into one of the stalls.

"I'll see you later Jisoo," I told the girl and left the restroom.

Does she know that I saw them kissing? I thought to myself.

Wait, where's Lisa? Did she see them? Oh god, I hope not. She'll be too heartbroken. I can't bear to see her crying I thought to myself.

I started walking fast to our cafeteria.

When I got inside I saw two girls laughing while feeding each other with their foods.

I saw how happy she looks with her, maybe I shouldn't tell her or anyone about it.

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