Chapter 7

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Jennie's POV
I went into my class and sat on my seat.

Last night I had a dream about Lisa.

In my dream, we both just cuddled with each other while there were kids running around the background.

It was a weird dream but at the same time, it feels nice seeing Lisa and me cuddling. But there were kids running around? That was the weird part of it.

"Jennie, are you listening?" The teacher asked facing me, making me startled.

"Oh sorry I wasn't" I confessed seeing as it's only the morning and it's too early to lie.

"Well next time you should pay attention, we'll have a quiz after the next class about this part," said the teacher while turning around and writing down the things about the quiz on the board.

"Okay," I whispered and copied down the notes on the board.

After taking some notes the bell ranged signaling for another class to start.

I got to my class and sat down remembering Lisa was in my class with Jisoo.

I wondered why they didn't sit together the first day. Oh well, I thought.

"Hey Jisoo how come you and Lisa never sat next to each other on the first day?" I asked the girl who's sitting by my side.

"Oh, I actually don't know" she said giving me a half smile.

"Oh alright," I said quietly.

Jisoo's POV
I never sat next to Lisa that day because that's when I started to actually have feelings for Rosé.

I actually got jealous when Lisa asked her to be her girlfriend. That's why I probably never sat next to her.

I sat in class while the teacher kept talking about whatever topic she's talking about.

I was daydreaming when suddenly someone shook my shoulders.

Oh right, it was Jennie because she's sitting next to me.

"Yes, Jennie?" I asked the girl who was looking at me.

"Unnie, I think... I like... Lisa..." Jennie whispered.

I couldn't hear her what she had said, so I made her repeat what she just told me.

"I like Lisa, unnie..." she looks at me and looks down at the ground playing with her fingers.

My jaw dropped at what she said.

"You like Lisa? Since when?" I asked the girl who looked up at me.

"I don't know honestly, but she's been on my mind for a couple of days... and I can't get her off" said Jennie, only loud enough for me to hear her.

I just looked at her jaw dropped while she's still looking at me.

"Is something wrong with me liking her?" said the girl in front of me.

"Well Jennie, she's in a relationship... with Rosé," I said.

Jennie's POV
When she said that I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack.

"I'm sorry Jennie" is all Jisoo could say while looking at me and taking my hands to comfort me.

I just looked at her and sigh.

The girl I had a crush at the park when I was younger is taken...

She was already mine Where stories live. Discover now