Chapter 36

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4 years later...

No one's POV

It was a sunny afternoon at the Manoban household.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you!" Singed everyone inside the room.

"Blow the candle Jay" Jennie said while standing beside her son who's blowing his candle.

"Okeyyy" the birthday boy said while blowing on his candle.

"Yayyy! Our baby boy turned three years old today!" Lisa cheered her son on while clapping and hugging him.

"Mmm squish eomma(mum)" Jay whined while trying to move away from Lisa's hug.

"Oohh sorry sorry" Lisa said while loosening her hug to her son.

"Eomma(mommy) I want some cake" little Jay said while pointing at his cake asking Jennie.

"Okay okay, but not too much okay?" Jennie said while cutting a piece of cake for the birthday boy.

"But I want a lot!" Pouted the little boy making Lisa chuckle at his cute antics.

"Ani, too much sugar is not healthy. You also have to share with your grandparents and aunties and uncles" Jennie told the little boy who just pouted more looking cuter.

"Aishhh, come here Jay. You can have lots of Choco milk later before you sleep, don't tell eomma(mommy) okey?" Lisa whispered to the little boy who nodded eagerly hugging Lisa who hugged him back.

After the Birthday Party

"Lalisa Manoban! Jackson Manoban! Come down here right now!" Yelled Jennie who's at their kitchen while crossing her arms together.

"Mayday mayday, Officer Jay we got caught" Lisa whispered through her and her son's walkie-talkie while the played hide and seek.

"Eomma(mum), les hide" Jay said while running under his bed to hide from her other eomma(mommy) who was downstairs calling the two.

"Officer Jay, what about me? Where am I gonna hide?" Lisa asked bending down to go under Jay's bed.

"Ani, eomma(mum) go hide somewhere" little Jay said while pushing his eomma(mum) away.

"Aha! What are you guys trying to do here? Hide so I won't find you like last time again? Lalisa Manoban stand up at this instant!" Jennie scolded the two who was still under Jay's bed.

"Eomma(mum), go" Little Jay said while pushing his eomma(mum) to go out first.

After getting pushed out under the bed, Lisa instantly pulled her son out under his bed and carried him in her arms while looking at Jennie who had a raised brow.

"What did I say about sugar? You already ate two slices of your cake Jay, you're gonna have cavities" Jennie said while taking Jay from Lisa's arm placing him in her arms.

"I'm sowwy eomma(mommy), but eomma(mum) promised to gwive me choco mwilk earlier" Jay pouted while blaming Lisa who's faced went shocked due to his son ratting her out just like that.

"Ani ani, he wanted to eat more slices of cake but you refused him-"

"Lalisa Manoban, do you ever listen to me anymore?" Jennie scolded Lisa who just looked down then looked up and made eye contact with Jennie.

"I'm sorry" mouthed Lisa to Jennie who just nods at her wife and looked at Jay in her arms.

"He fell asleep, let's bring him to bed" Jennie said while looking at her son who fell asleep in her arms.

"I'll take him" Lisa said while gently taking the sleeping boy from her wife's arms.

"I'm sorry about that, you know I can't refuse our son when he wants something" Lisa apologize to her wife who's by her side inside their son's room.

"It's okay babe, but next time don't give him too much. And yeah I saw all those small boxes inside the trash bin" Jennie said while looking at her wife who's placing Jay down his bed.

"Okay, okay I won't, that'll be the last time" Lisa said while standing back up to face her wife.

"Let's go to sleep, it's been a long day" Jennie said while bending down to kiss her son's forehead as Lisa does the same.

"Let's go!" Lisa quietly yelled while picking up her wife in bridal style way to their room.

"Yahh Lisa!" Jennie yelled not too loud while being thrown at the bed by her wife.

"Honeymoon part two?" Lisa asked while walking closer to their bed and hovering over her wife.

"Not too much okay? Jay might question me about it again like the last time" Jennie said while wrapping her arms around her wife's neck who just hummed in response whose lightly kissing and sucking her neck leaving little red marks.

"And tone down on the marks" Jennie added while pulling her wife closer.

"You talk too much, Mrs. Jennie Manoban" Lisa said while shutting her wife up attaching her lips to her wife's lips.


"Eomma(mum)! I want pancakes!" Screamed little Jay while pulling on his small shark bean bag inside their kitchen.

"Aishh Jay, you can't bring that here. Eomma will get mad at me again" Lisa said while walking to her son and grabbing his shark bean bag placing it back in their living room.

"I want pancakes eomma(mum)" little Jay said while climbing on to his booster chair infront of their counter.

"Ahh you might fall, here let me help you" Lisa then went back to her son and helped him get up to his chair.

After helping him out Lisa then went back to making their pancakes and sausages.

"Little Jay go wake Eomma(mommy) up so we can eat" Lisa told her son who was playing with his small toy trucks.

"Mmm wake who up?" A voice said walking to their kitchen counter where little Jay was sitting by.

"Mm goodmorning Jackson, goodmorning Lalisa" Jennie said smiling at the two who looked at her like she's a psycho as she goes behind her wife's back and hugged her from behind while burying her head at the crook of Lisa's neck.

Normally or most of the time, Jennie wouldn't be waking up like this in a good mood, but this morning she looks like she's in a good mood which creeped the two Manobans out.

"Uhm Eomma(mommy)? Ish you awight?" Asked their son while looking at his eomma(mommy).

"Mhm, I'm alright. Right, Lisa?" Asked Jennie as she faces Lisa who looked back at her with "what are you on?" look but kissed her wife anyways.

After breakfast

"Can we go see aunt Rosé and aunt Jisoo?" Asked the little boy who was playing with his cape.

"Maybe after we go to the park" Lisa told her son who just said okay and left playing with his cape.

"You know what you should do when you have a cape on?" Asked Lisa walking to her son and squatting down while hugging her son.

"What ish it?" Asked the little boy.

"You should fly!" Said Lisa smiling while looking at her son who titled his head to the side not getting what his eomma(mum) is saying.

"Go on my back" Lisa ordered the little boy as he goes behind her back.

"Okay, now wrapped your arm around my neck, and wrapped your legs around my waist, make sure you won't let go okay?Or else your eomma(mommy) will kill me" Lisa told the little boy who just nodded saying okay afterwards.

"Okay, here we go!" Lisa then placed her hands on her son's back and stood up, giving him a piggyback ride.

"Okay I'm gonna bent down ninety degrees and you do your superhero pose okay?" Lisa told her son who nodded while smiling at his eomma(mum) for her brilliant idea.

While the two played around their living room Jennie just kept watching them from the kitchen counter while smiling at her little family.

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