Chapter 25

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Lisa's POV
Today I decided to wake up early just to buy pink roses for her.

While walking on the way to buy the bouquet of roses I reminisced about the event that happened last night, not the one with Rosé but with Jennie.

I can't believe it, after ignoring her and pushing her away she still loves me. I was dumb by ignoring her but now I'm gonna make that up to her.

I really love her, no words can express how I feel for this girl.

I then saw the cute store and went inside to look around for those pink roses.

The store looks vintage and looks like a garden filled with different types of flowers and roses.

The aroma of the so-called store is amazing, it's like when you first walk in a store that sells all different types of perfume but instead it's roses that you smell.

"Are you looking for a certain rose miss?" An old lady asked walking towards me.

"Uh yeah, pink roses to be exact. I was wondering if you have any?" I asked politely to the old lady and she smiled at me and nodded.

"Sadly, everyone loves ordering those pink roses. You know what pink roses mean?" Asked the old lady as I just shake my head left to right.

"Well, the color pink carries grace and elegance, as well as sweetness and poetic romance" said the old lady taking out something behind the red roses.

"I had a feeling someone would come and order these for someone special, so I saved it" said the old lady giving the three pink roses to me while smiling.

"Wow, thank you. And it is for someone special" I kindly told the old lady while smiling ear to ear.

"You should go and give it to her" ushered the old lady while pushing me out of the store.

"But I didn't pay you yet" I told the old lady taking out a couple bills from my purse.

"No no, it's okay you don't have to. I saw that little twinkle in your eyes when you talked about this certain person. You should save your money for your date. Now go young lady!" The old lady then pushed me out of her store that made me run.

As I looked back at her she was smiling and waving at me with I guess her husband behind her so I smiled and waved back to the both of them.

After getting pushed out a store and walking a couple more blocks, I arrived back at my hotel and went up to my room knocking on the door hoping at least one of them was awake by now.

I knock a couple more times but I guess no one's up yet. I started to grab my card inside my bag when the door opened.

I looked up and saw Jisoo yawning and stretching her arms out.

"Don't you have a card to open the door? And oohhh pink roses? For me? How sweet Lisa thanks but I don't want it" Jisoo said walking away and I guess going back to sleep on the couch bed next to Rosé. Yeah, they're sleeping there so what.

"It's not for you though so it's okay" I told her chuckling while closing the front door and walking back to my room.

Jennie's POV
As I turned around to hug Lisa I felt nothing. She wasn't there anymore. I opened my eyes looking at her spot and looking around the room while sitting up looking around the room.

Where did she go? Did she get weirded out by my actions sleeping next to her?

I heard the door opening and as I look up I saw a tall beautiful brunette walking towards me with pink roses in her hands.

"Hey, you're up... I-I wanna give you something..." she then handed me those pink roses making me smile from her sweet gestures.

"Thank you, Lisa, your sweet" I said smiling more seeing her smile from ear to ear making me blush at the moment.

"So you left me just to get roses?" I asked making her chuckle while I just observe the beautiful pink roses that were given to me.

She then sat next to me and said "yeah I actually did" making me smile then frown afterward.

"Why did you frown?" Lisa asked looking at me now getting sad too.

"Because... you left my side... again..." I said looking down after observing the pink roses.

"Hey hey look at me" she then held my chin making me look her brown orbs.

"I won't leave you again, I'll be by your side no matter what happens" she said smiling at me.

"Anywayssss did you not get breakfast or what?" Jisoo asked who was standing in front of the door making Lisa and I startled.

"Way to ruin the moment unnie" Lisa said getting up and giving me a hand to also stand up from the bed.

"Of course not, I only went out to get pink roses for Jennie" she told Jisoo going out the room.

"Your girlfriend is really something, goes out to buy roses but doesn't bother buying food" Jisoo said  while leaving making me chuckle.

Ahhh Lalisa, you're something huh? it's okay though.

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