Chapter 3

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Jennie's POV
I sat next to the purple-haired girl because she seems like a person who knows what she's doing.
As for the blonde-haired girl, her head was down which meant that she's probably lazy.

"Annyeong haseyo," said the purple-haired girl smiling at me as I sat down.

"Annyeong," I said back smiling.

"So do you like this subject?" asked the purple-haired girl.

"Not really, do you?" I asked the girl.

"Yeah same, but It's okay I guess. I mean like, lunch is better because they give out chicken" she said chuckling.

I chuckled back and focus my attention on the board as the teacher starts talking.

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Jisoo Kim and you are?" she asked looking at me.

"Jennie Kim, a new student to YG," I said smiling at her.

"Oh no wonder I haven't seen you before," she said chuckling.

"Yup," I said lightly laughing.

"Lalisa Manoban!" yelled the teacher waking up at someone at the back.

I turned around and saw the teacher yelling at the blonde-haired girl.

Hmm, good thing I didn't sit next to her I thought.

"Taking a nap on your first day back to school?" the teacher said as the blonde-haired girl looked up and smiled lightly.

But she looked cute when she smiled. I thought.

"Sorry Ms. I guess I was tired," she said feeling sorry for taking a nap in class.

"Aish next time try to be more up, this is Math class after all not English," said the teacher.

"Ne," said the blonde-haired girl nodding.

I looked at her for a good eight to nine seconds.

Hmm, she looks familiar.

I turned around in my seat before she notices me staring at her.

Have I seen her before? Maybe not because I don't know anyone in this school yet except for Jisoo I thought.

Maybe she just looks like someone from a tv show I have recently watched? who knows.

The bell rang ending the class.

I got up and before I could walk away Jisoo called my name.

"Jennie, do you wanna hang out with me and my friends if you're not busy?" asked Jisoo smiling.

"Sure!" I said smiling at her and happy at the thought of meeting more friends.

We walked down the hallways to the cafeteria.

When we entered the cafeteria Jisoo yelled out for someone named Limario and Rosé. As the two girls from a table wave at us signaling for us to come over.

As we went closer to the table I noticed one was the girl in my previous class.

We got to the table and sat down.

I was facing this girl with chipmunk cheeks.

"So Jennie this Lisa and Rosé" Jisoo while pointing at the blonde-haired girl and chipmunk cheeks girl.

"And this is Jennie Kim, a new student," said Jisoo introducing me to the two.

"Annyeong!" I said smiling at the two. As the two smiled and greeted me back.

The blonde- Lisa I mean looks so familiar.

"Hey, Lisa right?" I asked facing the girl.

"Ne" said the girl nodding

"Have I seen you before? you look really familiar" I asked the girl.

She scrunches her face and made a thinking face.

"Hmm, I don't think so," said the girl looking back at me.

I swear she looks really familiar.


Is she?...

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