Chapter 20

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Lisa's POV
"Mmmm" I moved around for a little bit then opened my eyes to see three people looking at me smiling.

"Lalisaaaaaa, I miss you so muchhhh" one of the girl said hugging me still laying down.

I quickly rub my eyes to see the person more clearly and sit up straight.

I hugged back as soon as I saw the person and kissed her cheeks.

"Jennieeee I miss you tooo" I said smiling while hugging the girl tighter.

"Ahem ahem, I'm hungry. Can we get chicken" Coughed Jisoo, I then turned to her and hugged her tight.

"Jisoo unnieeee, I miss you too" I said while hugging her.

"I guess it's a group hug" Yelled Rosé and hug the three of us as we just chuckled.

"Really, I'm hungry" said Jisoo blankly that cause us all four to laugh.

After our moments inside my hotel room we left the hotel and drove to wherever they're gonna take me too.

~At a restaurant after ordering~

"So how long will you be staying here?" Jennie said facing me who's sitting beside me on my right side while I face Rosé and on her right is Jisoo.

"I'll be staying here for two weeks" I told the girl who started pouting.

"Stop pouting, you look so cute" I then pinched her cheeks causing the girl to show her gummy smile.

"Awwe so cuteeee" Rosé and Jisoo said at the same time causing Jennie to blush as they laugh at her and at what they said.

"Heyyy stop it, you're making Jennie blush harder than ever. I should be the one that's making her blush. Geez" I told the two who just continued laughing while I pull Jennie more to my side giving her a side hug and a kissed on her cheeks.

"Yahhh, now you're the one that's making me blush even harder" Jennie said while hiding her face in the crook of my neck.

"Awwe my goal for the night has been accomplished!" I Yelled but soon closed my mouth as everyone at the restaurant look at our table then started chuckling.

"I feel embarrassed to be sitting with you guys" Jisoo said while covering her face with the palm of her hands.

"Me too, remind me why we have to take you to dinner again?" Rosé asked looking at me.

"I don't know, it was your plan. Not mines" I told the girl smiling.

"Right, my plan" Rosé said.

"I smell food!" Jisoo said excitedly causing for her to take her hands off her face and jumping up and down her seat.

"Geez, I'm more than embarrassed to be sitting with kids" Jennie quietly said while facing the window by her side.

"We're kids at heart" I told Jennie giving her a peck on her cheeks.

"I know, that's why I'm embarrassed" she sighs then started laughing afterward.

The night went on as we all teased each other and talked about what happened in our life.

"So where do you guys wanna go after eating dinner?" Asked Rosé while we all walked out the restaurant after paying for our food.

"How about the park?" Asked Jisoo excitedly.

"The park? Why? It's already night" Rosé asked who wrapped her hands around Jisoo's arm.

"Because, I wanna slide down and ride the swings," Jisoo said smiling.

"Alright, I miss the park too. Let's go" I yelled as we started walking towards the park that was lit with lights everywhere.

As we all saw the park not from far we started all walking fast.

"The last one to the swing is a rotten egg!" Yelled Jisoo already running towards one of the swings.

We then started running towards the swing.

After running I quickly got to sit down on one of the swings, I was the second one to sit down.

After I sat down I saw Rosé sitting down too, leaving Jennie who was still running.

"Aishhh, I wasn't ready for that. Lisa, you left me by myself. How could you" Jennie complained while we all just laugh at her.

"Jennie is a rotten egg ahahahahaha" Jisoo laughed.

"Because Lisa left me" Jennie said while pouting.

I then got up and walked towards her to give her a hug.

With me hugging her she took my swing and sat on it while looking up and smiling at me.

"Lisa! You're the rotten egg now" Jisoo pointed at me as Rosé and Jennie started laughing.

"What? No! The rotten egg here is Jennie, not me!" I complained at the three while they just laugh their selves off.

I then looked at Jennie who was still laughing.

"I'm sorry Lisa, but you fell for it" laugh Jennie.

"WOW! I can't believe I'm friends with traitors" I said walking to one of the slides.

"Hey, where you going?" Yelled Jennie while the other two just kept laughing.

"To slide down" I yelled back at Jennie.

The night then went on with us four sliding down, playing at the monkey bars and swinging around the park.

It was a fun night, I wanna stay back here. Maybe I should ask my dad since we have another company here and I could run that instead of the one at Thailand.

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