Chapter 21

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Someone's dream POV...
She looks so good while sleeping. Her side profile literally takes your breath away. She's to die for. He skin is so soft. I wonder if one day I get to wake up beside her and get to admire her beauty maybe caress her face too.

Her brown hair always gets to me, but how? I don't know. It just gets to me. I literally can't explain how I feel towards her whenever I'm by her side or whenever she looks at me. She just takes my breath away.

"You look so pretty... even when you're sleeping... I wanna witness this every night and morning" and at that time I knew (I fucked up jk) I'm falling more in love with you" I started caressing her jawline to her shoulders. She looks so perfect. How can be a human this perfect?

"You know... I... never mind, I'll save that for when you're awake..." I kissed her forehead and got up from the bed but before I opened the door I looked back and decided to sleep next to her. Without realizing I hugged her waist and fell asleep. Hmm, she's so comfy.


"Why is she ignoring me? Did I do something wrong unnie?" Asked the girl on the screen.

"Well If she's ignoring you then you might 've done something wrong right?" Ask the girl in front of the laptop.

"Aishhh unnie tell me what I did wrong so she can stop ignoring me" begged the girl on the screen.

"You should know what you did wrong" said the girl in front of the laptop.

"I don't know what I did wrong-"

"We should go, we might be late" said another voice on the screen.

"Alright, unnie I have to go. I'll talk to you guys later!" said the girl on the screen before she ended the video call.

"Are you ignoring her just because of that girl? What if they're just friends?" ask unnie.

"I'm still ignoring her" I told unnie leaving the living room and going back inside my room.

AN: Heyyyyyy it's been awhile, how are you guys? I'm good and alive. First of all I'm really sorry for taking too long to update. I was kind of busy with things. Anywayssssssss BLACKPINK is back better than ever! I'm so happy💗💓💖♥️ < those emojis can't really describe what I feel, but I'll send it through those emojis. Anyways thank you all for being patient with me. Oh this chapter is just a Filler for the upcoming chapters. Haha okay I'm done :)

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