Chapter 28

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No one's POV
"Have a safe flight and come back in one piece okay?" cried Rosé who was hugging Lisa and Jennie before they board at the plane.

"Don't worry, we will" chuckled Lisa and hugged back Rosé who was crying in Lisa's arm while hugging her waist.

"Okay, okay that's enough. I think we should go now or we'll miss our flight" Jennie said with a hint of jealousy in her tone.

"nyeongan! Have a safe flight you two!" waved Jisoo while the two walk hand in hand and went inside the plane.

"Where are we sitting at?" Asked Jennie turning around to see Lisa who was infront of her.

"First class 10A" said Lisa while Jennie tried finding their seat and sat down by the window as Lisa sat next to her.

"This will be a one hella long flight so get comfortable babe" said Lisa settling herself in and putting her reclining chair up resting her long legs.

"I know that's why I brought some movies we can watch and some snacks too" Jennie said while grabbing her small backpack and taking out everything they'll need for later on.

"Snacks? Mmm like?" Lisa Asked then raises her eyebrows up and down giving Jennie that smile.

"Yahh pabo! Not that geez" Jennie said while slapping Lisa's arm who just laugh at her.

"Ow okay okay, I'll stop, just stop. Your slaps are hard geez" Lisa said trying to cover herself up with the blanket they were given earlier.

"Like that's gonna help Lisa" Jennie said stopping her acts then laughing at Lisa after.

The whole plane ride to Canada the couple cuddled and ate some snacks while watching movies, well mostly Lisa watching the movies because Jennie kept on staring at her girlfriend from time to time to see her smile and laugh at the movie.

I'm so happy you're mine Jennie thought while caressing Lisa's hair who had fallen asleep on Jennie's shoulder while hugging her pillow.

After a long plane ride the plane landed and the couple headed to the hotel that they're gonna be staying at.

At the hotel, in Canada

Jennie's POV
"Wow, Lisa" I looked around the enormous hotel while Lisa talked to the lady at the front desk.

"This is so cool, I can't believe we'll be sleeping under the stars anddd the Northern Nights" I told Lisa while hugging her and squealing at the same time.

"I'm glad you like it babe" Lisa said while smiling and looking at me.

"It's so pretty, the snow outside makes me wanna go sledding and build a snowman" I said squealing like a child making her laugh at my actions.

"Hey stop laughing" I pouted at her making her laugh more.

"Lisaaaaaa stop laughing" I said feeling my cheeks turns hot and feeling embarrass at the sametime.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. You're just too cute to be true with you acting all like this" she said making me blush harder and feel more embarrassed as the hotel staff looks at us then looking down. I swear Manoban will pay for this.

"Hey hey, you okay? You look like you're about to rip someone's head off-oh" as soon as she said that her eyes went wide as her mouth does to and she grab our two pieces of luggage, our room card and quickly ran away from me sensing that I was about to rip her head off for making me feel embarrassed.

I quickly look at the staffs and the front lady bowing at them and quickly giving them a smile to reassure that everything was okay and quickly walk to the elevator seeing Lisa kept on pressing the button.

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