Chapter 8

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"Jisoo..." she whispered.

I couldn't believe what I just did.

Jennie's POV
Today was just a normal day for the rest of us. Well for Lisa and Rosé. Except for me and Jisoo.

Telling Jisoo that I have feelings for Lisa was nerve wrecking, I couldn't hold it in anymore so I have to tell her or I might explode.

But after I said that, what Jisoo said broke my heart.

No wonder they have been so close and touchy with eachother.

Anyways it was lunch, that means I get to see Lisa but she's gonna be with Rosé.

Now I know that they're together, I just feel like I'm being attacked.

Jisoo's POV
We went to the cafeteria and sat down in our table and got lunch.

What Jennie told me earlier had been in my mind.
If she likes Lisa that means I can like Rosé to right? I mean I don't know. I just like her and nothing more.

"Jisoo!" Lisa yelled who was across me.

Speaking of the devil.

"Yesssss" I said dragging the "s" part.

"Let's go get food, I'm hungry" Lisa said getting up while brushing her fingers on Rosé's hand.

"Chicken, okay" I said happily thinking of chicken.

My mood changes whenever someone mentions food and I would think of chicken, anything with chicken I'm gonna be in a good mood.

Rosé's POV
The four of us got up and went to the counter to get food.

"Do you guys wanna go to my house for a sleepover tonight?" I asked the three girls as they just nodded while deciding on what food to get.

We went back to our table and started eating our lunch while talking about our classes.

"So, what should we do during the sleepover?" ask Jisoo while eating her chicken.

"We should do never have I ever" suggested Lisa while eating her pasta.

"That sounds fun" I said while sipping on my orange juice.

"We should do Truth or Dare!" suggested Jennie happily.

"Yeah! That sounds better" Jisoo said high-fiving Jennie in the process.

"Alright, so we'll bake macaroons and play Truth or Dare" I said happily.

~After school at Rosé's House~

Jennie's POV
"We should bake macaroons before we play truth or dare" I suggested while we were watching tv at Rosé's couch.

"Ohh macaroons!" Jisoo said smiling.

"I love macaroons! And we should  let's get the ingredients ready" Rosé said getting up and going to her kitchen.

"Where Lisa?" Asked Jisoo looking around.

"Oh she went to get change," Rosé said taking out the bowls.

"Here let me help you out," Jisoo said to Rosé taking out the measuring cups and spoons.

"I'm here! Did you guys miss me?" Yelled Lisa walking in and sitting down on the stool in front of the counter.

"No we didn't, we didn't even know you weren't here," Jisoo said with blank emotion while helping out Rosé.

I look at Lisa and she gave me a pout, after a few seconds the other two laugh at Lisa's face and so did I.

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