Chapter 10

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No one's POV
It's been two weeks since they shared that kiss.

A week after they kissed, they started sneaking out, just the two of them.

After two days of that day, Jisoo and Rosé talked about what happened. you really like me? asked Rosé.

Jisoo looks at her and nodded looking down.

I know you and I won't happen because you have Lisa, so I won't try anything to take you away from her. Jisoo said playing with her fingers while still looking down.

I know you won't. Rosé said.


It was a warm Saturday afternoon. The two were at a café.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Asked Jennie.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Lisa said playing with her crepes.

"You're playing with your food, what's wrong?" Asked Jennie taking a piece of Lisa's crepes.

"It's just that Rosé has been acting so weird lately, and I don't know what's going on with her" Lisa said grabbing some veggies from Jennie's plate.

"Hey! That's my food and why don't you ask her?" Jennie said poking on one of the veggies she has on her plate.

"I tried asking her, but she won't tell me anything. And she'll just say oh nothing, why?" It's annoying.

"If she said that then you should stop worrying," Jennie said drinking her water.

"But I can't help it, I'm her girlfriend. If something's up with her or anything she should tell me" Lisa said crossing her arms together.

"If she wants to tell you, she'll tell you. And she doesn't have to tell you everything to whatever it is that's happening with her you know" Jennie said putting her elbows on the table and laying her chin on her palm.

"But don't lovers tell each other everything if something feels wrong?" said Lisa taking a bite of her crepes that was mostly eaten by Jennie.

"Yeah that's true, but sometimes lovers need some space from each other too," Said Jennie eating the last piece of her salad.

Lisa sighs and finished eating her crepes.

"Cheer up princess, you're eating something sweet so you should be smiling not pouting," Jennie said giggling.

"Have I ever told you that your giggle is cute?" Lisa said eating the last piece of her crepes while looking at Jennie.

"No, and stop flirting just because you're having problems in your relationship," Jennie said pushing Lisa's face away.

"Hey I'm not flirting and I'm being honest, it's cute," Lisa said smiling.

"Yeah yeah" Jennie said back.


Rosé was by herself in front of her locker when she heard her name being yelled so she turned around to see Jisoo.

"Rosé!" yelled Jisoo running up to Rosé.

"Jisoo? did you run?" Ask Rosé looking at panting Jisoo in front of her.

"Yes" Jisoo trying to catch her breath.

Jisoo leaned in Rosé's ear.

"I found another cute café, let's go there after school" Jisoo said smiling and looking back at Rosé.

"Alright, but I have to make up some time with Lisa" said Rosé looking back at Jisoo.

"That's okay," Jisoo said.

"What are you guys talking about?" said the voice behind them.

Rosé's eye widened while Jisoo turned around.

"Oh, we were just talking about upcoming projects for our classes," Rosé said looking at Lisa and Jennie who's in front of Jisoo.

"Oh right, we have a lot of upcoming projects. Ughh" complained Lisa.

Lisa is known to be lazy when it comes to projects, she procrastinates the whole time but she actually does her work. In the last minute.

"Stop complaining, you're gonna do fine" Jennie encourage Lisa hugging her from behind.

Rosé saw what Jennie did and cleared her throat.

Jennie realized and let go of Lisa while looking down.

"The bell's about to ring, we should go to our class," Jisoo said taking her books out of her locker.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys later" Rosé said but before she left, she pecs Lisa's lips and leaves.

"I'll go too" Jisoo said going the opposite direction of Rosé.

"What was that for?" Asked Lisa.

"The her kissing you part?" Jennie asked going to her locker.

"No, never mind," Lisa said going to her locker also and getting her books for her classes.

"Well I'll see you later then," Jennie said giving Lisa a hug while Lisa hugged her back.

"I'll see you later," Lisa said walking away.

Jennie's POV
Rosé was definitely jealous. But heck, I was more jealous when she kissed Lisa. Wait, jealous? No, I can't be jealous. Lisa doesn't even think of me that way. I said to myself while walking to my class.

~During Lunch~
We all got our food and sat down at our table for lunch.

"Hey do you guys wanna go to a party this weekend? I got invited and was told to bring some friends along" Jisoo said while taking a sip from her water.

"Suuuree party sounds fun, I'm down," Lisa said smiling. Her smile is cute. I said to myself.

"I'm down too!" I said smiling at the two.

We all turned our heads to Rosé who was too busy eating her lunch.

"Don't worry I'm down too" Rosé said not looking at us but keeps eating her food.

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