Chapter 16

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Lisa's POV
After seeing that sight I left. I ran away from the house not caring where I was going.

Tears kept falling from my eyes as I kept wiping them with my fingers.

I stopped running once I've reached the side of the road.

My phone kept ringing and ringing but I didn't bother answering the call.

I wanted to be left alone right now.

Jennie's POV
It's been two weeks since I last saw her, I miss her.

Is she okay? How is she doing? Is she still heartbroken? I thought to myself.

I tried calling her every day leaving her at least ten calls every day and seven messages. But there would be no answer or I'd be left on read.

It's Wednesday today, a normal day. It's also been so gloomy since this Monday. Ever since what happened at the party I started coming up here on the roof of school more.

Rosé and Jisoo tried talking to me about where Lisa could be. But the only answer I could give them was "I don't know, she hasn't been answering back" then I'd just leave them and come up here.

The bell rang signaling for our next class to start so I got up and walked to my class.

While I was walking pass by one of the hallways I saw a figure talking to two other figures but I couldn't tell who they were so I kept on walking.

I walked inside my class but Jisoo wasn't in her seat so I figured she's gonna be late which was unusual for her because she's always early to classes.

I looked back at the seat where she used to sit hoping she would appear but life doesn't go like that. So I just turned back at the board and started to pay attention to our teacher.

Twenty minutes past and Jisoo still wasn't here and I started to get worried so I raised my hand up to use the restroom. But before the teacher could send me to the restroom Jisoo walked in and took her seat beside me.

"Jennie, you can go now" my teacher said but I just told her I that I didn't have to so I just stayed in my seat.

"Where have you been? I thought you don't like going to classes late?" I asked the girl who was copying the notes on the board written by our teacher.

"I had a talk with someone" she said bluntly while writing in her notebook.

"Who? Is it Lisa?" I asked the girl.

"No, and if it was her she would've called you first" she said glancing at me while she keeps writing notes down.

"Why would she call me first?" I asked Jisoo confused.

"I don't know, I just had the feeling she would call you first" she said but now finish with her notes.

"Girls, if you want to continue your conversations, please step outside and talk there" the teacher said while writing more notes on the board without looking at us.

We said sorry and started writing more notes on our notebook.

"Jennie where are you free after school?" Jisoo asked while she started to pack her bag.

"Uhm I think... yeah I'm free. Why?" I asked the girl as the bell rings signaling that school was over.

"Do you mind coming with me and Rosé somewhere later?" Jisoo asked standing up.

"I don't mind, just pick me up later" I told her as she just noodles and left the class with our classmates.

"Why does she want me to third wheel with them?" I asked myself as I left the class.

I got home and went to my room and laid my body down on my bed.

Flashback to the hallway:

No one's POV
"I'm really sorry Lisa, I didn't know how to tell you. I just started to have feelings for Jisoo and I didn't know how to tell you" Rosé said with tears escaping her eyes.

"It's okay, it's been done. And we can't change anything that happened, but we can just move on from it" said Lisa trying to not let her tears fall.

"Limario... I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you. It's just that I wasn't thinking right and I started to become selfish" said Jisoo crying her eyes out.

Lisa hugged the two in front of her as the two hugged her back.

"Hey, it's okay. Just promise me you guys will take care of each other, okay? okay." Lisa said smiling at the two as the two just nodded at her while letting her go from their embrace.

"And you, take care of her" Lisa pointed at Jisoo while she just smiled and nodded wiping away her tears.

"We should hang out before you leave" Rosé suggested wrapping her arms around Jisoo's waist.

"How about the café we used to go too?" Asked Lisa while the two just nodded at her.

"Awwe, look at you two... so cuteee," Lisa said while looking at the two in front of her.

"And we have to invite Jennie too" Jisoo told the two as they just nodded and smiled.

"Alright, you guys have to go to your classes while I fix some papers" Lisa said as the three parted in their own ways.

Jennie's POV
I just woke up without knowing I fell asleep due to exhaustion from all my classes.

My phone started ringing so I grab my phone answering the call.

"Jennie, we're outside. Hurry" said Jisoo through the phone.

"Okay, okay. Just let me fix myself for a couple of minutes" I told her as she just said okay and hung up.

I put on another pair of clothes, fix myself and left the house seeing Rosé's car parked in my driveway. I waved at the two and quickly went inside the car.

Rosé started driving while Jisoo told me where we're going.

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