Chapter 6

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Lisa's POV
When I got home I ate dinner with my mom.

We talked about how our day went and I also told her about the mini date I had with Rosé.

After dinner, I helped her out with the dishes and watch shows in the living room with her.

"I'm going to my room now, goodnight mom" I said while standing up and giving her a quick hug before going to my room.

"Alright, don't wake up late tomorrow" my mom said while still focusing her attention on our tv.

I went to my room and laid down on my bed grabbing my phone from my pocket and texted Rosé.

To My 🌹♥️✨: Hey babe have you eaten dinner yet?

From My 🌹♥️✨: I'm about to babe, how about you?

To My 🌹♥️✨: Yeah I finished about thirty minutes ago

From My 🌹♥️✨: alright then babe, and I gotta eat dinner they're calling me. txt you later 😘

To My 🌹♥️✨: alright babe text you later, eat well 😘💗

After texting her I got up and walked to my bathroom to shower.

After my shower, I got my laptop from my study area and went to my bed and go online to finish my work.

*phone vibrates*
From Chicken lover 🍗: how was your mini date with Rosé?

To Chicken lover 🍗: it was amazing, she enjoyed it and keep talking ahaha

From Chicken lover 🍗: told you she's gonna like it, and good thing you didn't take her to wherever you were gonna take her

To Chicken lover 🍗: yeah yeah

From Chicken lover 🍗: hey you don't "yeah yeah" me, I'll yeah yeah hit you tomorrow LoL

To Chicken lover 🍗: yeah yeah go ahead

*messages from My 🌹♥️✨*
My 🌹♥️✨: hey babe I'm done eating & I miss your kisses :(

And that's how my night went talking to the two while I was trying to finish my homework online.

Jisoo's POV
*beep beep*

Ugh, I hate mornings.

I got up and walked to my bathroom to shower.

After showering I put on my uniform and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"goodmorning mom, goodmorning dad" I said walking up to them and giving them a quick hug before sitting down on my seat and ate breakfast.

After eating breakfast I grab my bag and went to my car to go to school.

"Jisoo! " someone called behind me as I was walking up the steps of our school.

I turned around and saw Jennie running towards me yelling wait up.

I stop my tracks and waited for her.

"Goodmorning Jisoo" Jennie said smiling.

"Goodmorning Jennie" I said smiling back as we walked towards the doors.

"Waiiiitttttt" yelled someone from behind us.

Ughhh whyyyyy must this happen to me.

We both turned around and saw Lisa and Rosé running towards us panting and trying to catch their breaths while holding hands.

"Lalisa Manoban! It's too early in the morning to be yelling!" I scolded the blonde-haired girl.

"I'm sorry, we just wanted to walk with guys" the blonde-haired girl said.

"Ahh nevermind already, we needed a wake-up call anyways" I said slightly laughing and soon the others joined in.

The bell rang signaling that our day started as we separated ways.

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