Chapter 22

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Jennie's POV
After playing around the park we decided to sleep over at Lisa's hotel room and binge watch Netflix the whole night.

~In the morning~

I woke with my hands around someone's waist and hugged them tighter not bothering who it was.

After a couple of minutes I felt like I was being lifted up from the bed bridal style.

As I opened my eyes I saw a girl with bangs. That was then I realized Lisa was carrying me.

She then looked at me and smiled as I smiled back and giggle.

"What are you doing? I was comfortable over there" I told her while snuggling closer to her chest that smelled like vanilla.

"You needed to wake up and eat breakfast and besides, you were just hugging a pillow" Lisa said while putting me down on one of the stool infront of the counter by Rosé.

"Well you didn't have to carry me" I told her while she grabs my food from the microwave.

"Well I wanted to carry you" Lisa said while getting a drink of water and sitting next to me.

"Did she wake up yet?" Yelled Jisoo coming out from the bathroom.

"Yup she's awake" Yelled Lisa back while I eat my breakfast with Rosé.

"So where do you wanna go after we eat breakfast" Asked Rosé while looking at Lisa.

"I wanna go bowling and eat after" Lisa said while walking up to the couch to lay down.

"oohh I wanna do bowling too!" I said happily while clapping my hands and eating.

"When we get there let's all pick a partner" Jisoo said as we all nod agreeing.

"Alright I'm gonna go shower first" I told everyone going inside the bathroom.

"Better hurry before we leave you!" Yelled Jisoo while I just chuckled and went on my way.

When I got inside the shower, I let the warm water hit my skin feeling relaxed whilst thinking about the event that happened earlier today.

I felt at ease when she wrapped her arms around me, her scent filled my nose as I try and imagined it over and over again.

I missed her, I missed seeing her everyday like how it was before. But the past is the past and we can't change anything from it-

"Jennie yaaaaa! Hurryyyy! You could've said you didn't want to come if you're just gonna take your sweet time showering while we're here waiting for you!" Shouted Jisoo from the other side of the door making me laugh.

"Aishh I didn't know I was taking my sweet time, hold on, wait for me!" I shouted back at her.

"Okay, okay. But better hurry" Jisoo shouted back.

After showering I quickly got change since Jisoo came back telling me to hurry up because the other two were already inside the car and kept whining about me taking my sweet time. Aishh those two, so impatient.

After changing I got down and made my way to the car and made sure the hotel door were closed before exiting out the hallway.

"Ahhh finally, she's here! Dear god she finally decided that she shouldn't take her time. Thank you!" Rosé said praying while we just look at her dumbfounded but laugh afterwards.

Jisoo's POV
When we got to the bowling building we all got down from the car and started walking inside when I notice at the corner of my eye Jennie looking down while walking alone. I looked around for Lisa and saw Rosé with her walking inside the building. Hmpf she's mine.

"Rosé! Come here and be my partner!" I shouted at Rosé who was walking with Lisa.

"There, you're welcome" I said telling Jennie who thanked me and went next to Lisa linking her arms with Lisa's.

"I'm here partner!" Rosé said linking her arms with mines while giving me a wink making me blush. Aishh this girl, so adorable. I love her so much.

As we all went and checked in and got our shoes we all went to our spot and started stretching but not really stretching because I'm just sitting down watching them stretch or more like watching Rosé stretch because her body is to die for. Like look at that milky skin, who wouldn't stare at her body? I know I'm like a creep but come on, it's to die for. You know?

As for the other two, they're okay. I'm not interested in them, I'm more interested on Rosé.

Lisa's POV
As I was stretching I saw Jisoo in the corner of my eye eyeing down Rosé making me chuckle a bit which caught Jennies attention.

"Why'd you chuckle?" She asked stretching her arms. Damn some of her skin showed. "Lisa? You still there?" She asked shaking my shoulders. "You're drooling" she laugh which caught my attention making me wipe my drool but there was nothing. I looked at Jennie who was laughing which made me smile from ear to ear.

"You could've seen yourself Lisa, drooling over me" she then winked at me and turned around bending down to touch her toes.

My eyes widen at the sight and I stood up quickly.

"Okay I think I'm ready" I then walked away from Jennie feeling hot inside. Geez what was that for Jennie?

AN: Hey guys! Sorry if I haven't been updating that much but I'll try to update more often if I'm not that busy. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and the upcoming chapters! Enjoy your day/night:)

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