Chapter 9

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No one's POV
What did I just do? Jisoo said to herself.

"Done!" Yelled Jennie outside and opens the door.

Both Rosé and Jisoo got out and sat down quietly.

Jennie looks at Lisa and shrugs and goes back to sitting down.

"So what'd you guys do?" Ask Lisa while looking at Rosé and Jisoo.

"Oh we just talked" Rosé said looking back at Lisa and glancing at Jisoo who's trying to look anywhere but Rosé .

"That's cool, what'd you guys talked about?" Asked Jennie while Lisa looks at Rosé.

Rosé looked at Lisa and smiled.

Lisa smiled back and pecs Rosé's lips.

Jennie saw the action between the two in the corner of her eye and got this feeling inside her stomach she couldn't explain.

"Okay so what's next? Watch movie?" Asked Lisa looking at the three girls.

"Yeah let's watch Disney Movies!" Yelled Jisoo smiling.

"Which one? There's a lot" said Lisa while her fingers play with Rosé's fingers.

"How about Beauty and the Beast?" suggested Jennie.

"Everyone agrees with that?" Asked Jisoo looking around while the three girls nodded back at her.

Lisa's POV
We all settled down in our spots at the couch.

I wrapped my arms around Rosé's waist while she laid her head on my chest.

I was caressing her smooth shoulder when she look up at me.

"I love you Lalisa Manoban" she whispered lightly and kissed my lips.

I kissed her back and whispered I love you back to her and kissed her forehead.

I knew something was gonna happen inside that tiny closet. I knew Jisoo likes Rosé.

At first, when Jennie asked me about Rosé going inside that tiny closet with Jisoo I said no, but Jennie said it's okay  because she's mine anyways so I just agreed with it. Which is the truth. Rosé is mine so whatever happens in that tiny closet, Rosé is still mine.

I was playing with Rosé's baby hair when Jisoo stood up and said she was sleepy so she went up to Rosé's room.

Jennie stood up afterward and said she was sleepy too.

That just leaves me and Rosé watching Beauty and the Beast.

~In Rosé's room~

Jennie's POV
"So did you kiss her?" I asked walking in seeing Jisoo laying her sleeping bag on the floor to sleep in.

"How did you know?" Jisoo Asked.

"Rosé's action, she got quite after she walked out the closet," I said fixing my sleeping bag.

"That doesn't mean we kissed," Jisoo said back.

"So did you guys kiss or not?" I asked going inside my sleeping bag.

"Yeah...we did- I mean I kissed her" Jisoo said smiling but pouting after while sitting down by her sleeping bag.

"Why the pout for?" I asked facing her.

"Because... I know she won't be mine, she has Lisa" she said looking at me pouting.

"It's okay, at least you got to kiss her," I said back.

"What did you and Lisa do while we were inside the closet anyway?" ask Jisoo going inside her sleeping bag and laying down.

"Oh nothing, we just talked about stuff but most of the time I was keeping track of the time for you guys," I said back looking up at Rosé's ceiling.

"Thanks for yelling out the time every two minutes," Jisoo said giggling.

"No problem," I said back.

"Jennie I'm sleepy so goodnight and sweet dreams," Jisoo said yawning and turning on her side so I'm left with facing her back.

"Goodnight Jisoo," I said back.

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