Chapter 17

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~At the café~

No one's POV
The three went inside and sat at one of the booths.

"So why did you bring me here just to third wheel for you guys?" asked Jennie while the two just chuckled ignoring her question.

A waitress came to our table asking if we were ready to order. But before I could tell her what I want Rosé cut in and said "Oh, we're still waiting for someone. Can we order later?" the waitress nodded and left.

"Who are we waiting for?" I asked the two confused.

"Her" the two looked behind me and waved the person over.

"Sorry I'm late, I was packing my clothes" the person said taking a seat beside me.

I turned to my right side surprise seeing Lisa besides me.

"Lisa! Why didn't you text me! I was so worried about you" I hugged the girls waist tight and laid my head on her shoulder while she just chuckled wrapping her arms around my shoulder.

"Sorry, I've been busy. My parents decided to move because they need to take care our company and they can't keep coming back here just to see me so they decided to move me with them" Lisa explained to Jennie while the other two just kept looking at the menu.

"So, you're moving again?" asked Jennie sadly while looking at Lisa.

"Yup, if I can stay here I would but I can't" Lisa said sadly while facing Jennie who was pouting at her.

"Yahh! Don't pout, you'll make me melt with that pout" Lisa said laughing.

"Then what face should I do?" Asked Jennie.

"You should order before I ruin your face" Jisoo said bluntly then laughing afterward.

"That's rude" said Rosé elbowing Jisoo at the process.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Jisoo said still laughing.

~After ordering and eating, at the Parking lot~

"Well, we gotta go now. It's getting late" Rosé said grabbing Jisoo's hand and pulling her inside her car.

"And before you leave," Rosé went up to Lisa and wrapped her arms around the girls waist tight. "I'll see you again, my Lisa" Rosé getting inside her car.

Jisoo then hugged Lisa after Rosé and whispered "Don't worry, I'll take good care of her. Also Jennie too, can't forget about her" Jisoo said smiling and wrapping her arms around the girls shoulder and getting inside Rosé's car.

"Bye Limario! See you again!" Yelled Jisoo from inside the car.

"See you Lisa! Take careee!" Yelled Rosé leaving the parking lot of the café.

"I guess I have to find my own ride" Jennie said chuckling to herself seeing the two leaving her with Lisa.

"It's okay, I volunteered to drive you back home earlier" Lisa told Jennie.

"Thanks" Jennie said smiling.

"Yeah, no problem" Lisa said walking to her car with Jennie following behind her.

The two got inside Lisa's car and drove away from the café.

"So you're really leaving? After we just met?" asked Jennie who was at Lisa's passenger seat.

"Yeah, at least we got to spend time together" Lisa said glancing at Jennie when they stop at a red light.

"I'm gonna miss you, you know" Jennie said above a whisper.

"I'm gonna miss you too" said Lisa glancing at Jennie while driving.

"Yahh! Look at where you're driving!" Yelled Jennie while Lisa just chuckled.

"Don't worry! I'm good at driving" laugh Lisa.

~At Jennie's driveway~

"So I'm gonna go now" Lisa said after dropping off Jennie at her front door.

"Lisa! wait!" Yelled Jennie.

"Hm?" Lisa hummed who stop before getting inside her car.

Jennie ran up to Lisa and attached her lips to Lisa once again.

"I'll see you again someday, Lalisa Manoban" said Jennie smiling while moving away from Lisa's car.
"I'll see you again, Jennie Kim" Lisa said smiling while driving away.

A/N: Woah I didn't know everyone would like this book ahaha 😅 but you guys kept asking for updates so here you go! And Woah I just realized 1.9k reads wow, I'm speechless and thank you so much you guys! 😘😭😘<3

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