Chapter 23

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Jennie's POV
After everyone, me, Lisa, and Rosé finished stretching we then started our match. Me & Lisa vs Jisoo & Rosé.

Honestly, Lisa sucks but it's a good thing she has me or else she'll be doomed. Not to sound cocky or anything but I mostly scored more than her. I'm not surprised though because I'm Jennie Kim, good at everything. And Lisa, well she's my Lisa.

After throwing my last bowling ball I hit all the pins which boosted our score and passed the other couples one.

I sat next to Lisa and cuddled up to her laying my head on her shoulder while she just wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Jisoo make sure you hit all the pins down so we can win this game and not look like a sore loser like Lisa not hitting any bowling pins down" Rosé said laughing while Lisa just pouted and started to fake cry making me laugh. "Ouch that hurts Rosé, too much" Lisa faked cried more while I just rubbed her back still laughing trying not to explode more from laughter.

"That was good Rosé and I'm pretty sure I can hit all the pins down!" Jisoo said laughing while holding onto her last bowling ball.

"Watch out for karma Kim Jisoo" I told the girl who looked at me serious and giving me a weird smile so I smiled back at her.

"Please let them loose, please let them loose" I heard Lisa said praying making me chuckle and hugging her closer.

Jisoo then threw the bowling ball...

Annnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddddddddd what I told you Kim Jisoo, watch out.

"YES! OH THANK GOD YES!" Shouted Lisa standing up and jumping up and down making me laugh at her actions and the other two's face.

"What the. Howwwww???" Jisoo shouted going down on her knees about to fake cry. "This is all your fault Jennie Kim" she pointed at me while I just laugh at her. Honestly, who wouldn't? Don't test me when I say watch out for karma.

While Jisoo was still on her knees Rosé was still in shocked mode making Lisa more happier.

Well, you could say they only knocked down 6 and they didn't pass our score which means we won.

"Rosé! Close your mouth before a fly comes in" Lisa said going up to her and closing her mouth making her and I laugh more.

"This is unfair. I want a rematch. Right now. At this instant." Jisoo said crossing her arms pouting while Rosé just nodded.

"Nope nope nope, we're eating now and you both are paying! Jennie let's go" Lisa said grabbing my hand leaving the two behind who kept mumbling words.

After we left the bowling building we then headed to go eat at this cute restaurant.

~At the restaurant after ordering~

"You ordered a lot on purpose" Rosé told Lisa who just said "it's not my fault I'm that hungry" which made me chuckle.

"I can't believe we're paying for these two ugh" Jisoo said irritated.

"It's not our fault you didn't knock down all the pins Jisoo" I told her which earned a nod from Lisa.

"But Lisa still sucks at it" Jisoo said looking at Lisa.

"At least I didn't lose," Lisa told her while looking at her back who smirk afterwards making Jisoo annoyed.

"Yeah yeah, this is the only time we'll give in" Rosé said laying her head down on Jisoo's shoulder.

"Right, this is the only time we'll give in so enjoy it" Jisoo also said playing with Rosé's cheeks.

"Don't you wish you won the game? Enjoying the food and not worrying about paying Kim Jisoo?" Asked Lisa which turned Jisoo more annoyed and Rosé, well Rosé just looked at her dead serious.

"Hey I'm just saying you know" Lisa said holding her hands up in the air.

"Ladies, here are your orders. Enjoy!" The waiter said while putting down our food infront of us and leaving after.

"Now, let's dig in!" Lisa said while I just nodded and started to eat the food with the other two.

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