Chapter 27

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A couple of weeks after Lisa and Jennie's date, Lisa decided to get an apartment and start working at one of their companies here in Korea.

Lisa's POV
"Ms. Manoban, someone is here to see you" my secretary said coming in.

"Bring them in please and thank you" I told my secretary while typing on my computer not bothering to look up.

"How's work Ms. Manoban?" Ask a familiar voice going behind me while wrapping their arms around my neck and giving a peck on my cheeks.

I looked up and see the girl I've been wanting to see and gave her a heartwarming smile, getting one in return.

"Been good so far, how about you? Aren't you supposed to be working Dr. Kim?" I asked the girl who sat on my black leather couch that was facing me who just gave me another smile while walking up to me.

"I miss you, so I came to see you. And besides, I don't have any patients today. I just have to check up on them later when I go back" she told me sitting on my desk while I lean back on my black leather swivel office chair.

"I miss you too. What do you say about a quick lunch date?" I asked the girl infront of me while playing with her fingers.

"Mmmm, your treat?" She asked looking at me.

"Of course it's my treat! Now come on Jennie Kim, let's go" I stood up grabbing my phone and my credit card and car keys.

"I think you forgot to grab something" I stop in my tracks infront of my door and look down at my hands and looked back at her.

"I didn't forget any, I have everything I need" I told the girl who titled her head and pouted.

"You forgot this" she held out her hand still pouting.

Okay, that's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life.

I walked back to her and grab her hand while putting my phone with my credit card in my back pocket while my car keys in my front pocket.

I looked at her and smiled who gave me a smile back and getting a peck on my cheeks.

"I love you" she said looking at me then walking infront of me with our hands intertwined.

"No kiss on the lips? Even a peck?" I asked pouting at her while she just chuckled.

"You forgot about me earlier, so uhmmm... no, now let's go" she said opening my door with her other free hand.

Before she stepped out of my office she turned around and gave me a quick peck on the lips and started walking dragging me with her. To say that I was shocked was an understatement, but I was expecting that. Not really though, I was still shocked.

We soon got to a restaurant and ordered our food.

"So I was thinking about seeing Northern Lights" I told Jennie while looking at her as she just nods her head.

"The Northern Lights are really pretty, I wanna go there too" she said while playing with fingers.

I grabbed her hand and looked at her.

"So I was wondering if you wanna go see the Northern Lights with me? Mmm, maybe in two weeks?" I asked the girl who look shocked and surprised.

"Of course, of course! I would love too! Oh my Lisa, I would love too" she giggled jumping up and down on her seat making me laugh at her cuteness.

"My girlfriend is so cute" I said while clapping my hands and laughing.

"Stop laughing at me okay, I really wanted to see the Northern Lights but I didn't expect for it to happen in real life. Oh my god Lisa! I have to go shopping, I have to get ready! I have so many things to do Lisa I-"

"Babe, calm down. We have enough time to prepare okay" I said laughing at her.

"But Lisa-"

"We have enough time okay, now let's eat. I see our food coming our way" I told her cutting her sentence off again.

"Okay okay, if you say so" she said calming down while I just giggle at her cute actions and everything about her. Gosh, I love this girl so much, what more can I say, she's perfect in every way, in her own way.

"Why you are giggling?" She said pouting cutely.

"Because you're so cute and I can't help myself to giggle at your cute actions babe" I told her while she blushed like a tomato.

"Lisaaaaaa stop complimenting me, you're too sweet you know stoopppp" Jennie said while hiding her face with her hands.

I then grabbed her hands and held it making her look down blushing more.

"Hey, if I wanna compliment you everyday of my life I would love to, just to see your blushing cute face everyday" I told her smiling while she just blushed more.

"Ahhh Lisaaaaa" she then started to tear up while I just wiped her tear away with my thumb.

"Mhm, I'm sorry to interrupt your cute moments but your order is here" the waiter said bowing to us and walking away.

"That was... let's eat" Jennie said eating her food to try and compose herself from blushing again from what the waiter had said.

AN: I know I'm late on this but guysss! I finally got my Official BLΛƆKPIИK lightstick and I'm so happy and excited at the sametime <3 I'm really happy you guys, also I took a picture of it to share with you guys :) Thank you for reading my book! Much loves <3

AN: I know I'm late on this but guysss! I finally got my Official BLΛƆKPIИK lightstick and I'm so happy and excited at the sametime <3 I'm really happy you guys, also I took a picture of it to share with you guys :) Thank you for reading my book! ...

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