Chapter 30

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Jennie's POV
After the long night of making love, my body couldn't walk anymore. But here we are, about to go sledding up the hills.

"Lisa, my thighs, my body- my whole body hurts. I can't walk that far" I yelled at her who was five feet away from me.

"Come on babe, is this how you're gonna be like the whole week?" Lisa yelled asking me making her chuckle at my state.

"Well it's not my fault you're the one who did this to me" I complained to her while crossing my arms and pouting making her laugh.

"Oh come on I thought you're a Kim? What happened to Kim who doesn't let anything get in her way huh?" She said walking towards me still laughing making me give her death glares.

"And besides I didn't say "Lisa... please... take me..." she said mocking me from last night making me breathed in deeply and glare at her.

"Shut up Manoban" I told her turning around and sitting down on the ground that was covered in snow while my back faces her.

After not hearing anything from her I turned around seeing her walking away from me still laughing. Aishh that girl, I hate her so much.

I then tried walking a bit faster trying not to cry in pain that was in between my thighs. I'm gonna kill that Manoban later I murmured to myself.

Finally after thirty minutes of Lisa walking and me getting a piggyback ride we finally made it.

When she was about to set me down I clung onto her tighter because I didn't really wanna go down.

"Aniii, babe get down my back hurts" Lisa complained trying to set me down but failed because I keep on clinging onto her more tighter.

"No babe, my whole body hurts and it's your fault so you have to carry me" I told her while laying my head on her right shoulder.

"Babe, seriously. My spine is about to break due to your weight" she said biting her lip trying not to laugh, but of course, I could see it.

"Fine then, don't carry your girlfriend, I'll find someone else to carry me" I told her while getting off of her and trying not to cry due to the pain.

After saying that Lisa turned around and looked at me and turn back around and bent down making me smile as I wrapped my arms around her neck and my legs on each side of her waist.

"Saranghae" I told her while pecking her cheeks as much as I can.

"Yeah yeah, I just don't want you asking someone else to give you a piggy back ride" she told me making me chuckle. "I knew you wouldn't resist me" I said to her making me chuckle while she just gives me big toothy smile making me laugh at how cute she is.

"So how are we gonna snowboard going down the hill if you're still on my back?" Lisa asked turning her head to her right making me slightly face her.

"I'll get down and try to ride on a snowboard" I told her while getting off of her.

"Be careful okay? Don't hurt yourself more" she said worriedly while I just gave her a smile and a peck on her cheeks.

"Babe don't worry about me, after all, you're gonna be the one carrying me when we go back" I told her chuckling while she just blankly stares at me but soon nods.

After snowboarding

It's been an hour what the heck where is she? Why isn't she answering my phone calls? I asked myself worriedly.

After calling her a few more times it kept sending me to her voicemail. Ugh, she's really gonna get it.

I tried walking around looking for Lisa just to see her talking to someone on her phone sitting down on a bench. Aishh no wonder she hasn't been answering my phone calls. I'm gonna kill whoever is calling her.

"Manoban!" I yelled getting her attention which she quickly turned her head around to see me.

"Babe your done!" She said turning her phone off and running towards me for a hug which I gladly accept.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked the tall girl who wrapped her arms around my neck while I just wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Oh, it's about work. My secretary told me once I get home I have to go on some kind of business trip" she said while pulling me down to sit down on her lap while I just wrapped my arms around her neck as she encircled her left arm around my waist.

"A trip? Without me?" I asked while pouting at her.

"It's only a couple of days babe, don't worry I'll be back soon I promise" she said while sticking her right pinky up making me hook my right pinky with her. "Alright, just a couple of days" I said smiling at her while she just smiles back at me.

"I'm cold, can we get some hot cocoa?" I asked her making her chuckle and standing up carrying me in a bridal style way making me giggle like a high school girl who got asked out by her crush.

After getting some hot cocoa and eating dinner we got back to our room and spent the rest of the night watching movies then after making love again.

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