Chapter 39

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Jennie's POV
A few days after visiting the new parents, today's the day I'm gonna surprise Lisa with this wonderful news.

It was a Friday night and we were having a family movie time. Of course with our soon to big brother.

I scooted closer to Lisa, who's in between Jay and me. I laid my head on her chest while she wraps her arms around my waist, making me wrapped my arms around her waist also.

"Babe, I have something to tell you..." I whispered to her ear quietly.

"Hmm, what is it? Is something bothering you?" Lisa asked while looking at me.

"Well uhm, so you know how we've been trying to make a sibling for Jay?" I asked her quietly while she nods, completely not understanding what I was saying.

"Yeah? What about it? Babe, we've been trying so hard" Lisa sighed and looked at our son while he just watched the movie not minding us.

"So uhm, well... I'm late" I told her happily while she just gives me that "oh okay?" look. Seriously does she not get it? Like at all? I thought to myself for a moment.

"What do you mean? Aren't you always late babe?" Lisa asked curiously making me have a deep, deep sigh.

"No, oh my gosh. Lalisa Manoban, your wife, me, I'm late. Don't you know what that means?" I asked her one more time.

"Uhm, no?" Lisa said, now tilting her head.

"Aishhh, LALISA MANOBAN! IM PREGNANT!" I yelled at her making her eyes widen in surprise.

"I KNEW IT!" Lisa yelled back, now our son was facing us titling his head to the side just like Lisa did earlier which I found it very cute.

"What? How? Ho-how did you know?" I asked her with curiosity in my voice.

"Babe, you don't normally eat that much food whenever we have dinner, and you're always up at midnight getting snacks, and I saw your mail a few days ago before we went to visit the Kims" she simply said turning back to watch the movie.

"Wh-ho- so... yo- you knew this whole time? And you didn't tell me?" I asked her, now looking surprised.

"Yup, I'm just waiting for you to confirm it, babe. And besides, you acted this way when you found you were pregnant with our little boy" she told me while grinning from ear to ear making me smile at her adorable smile.

"Oh wow, but excuse you, I don't eat that much during dinner okay? What if I was just hungry more at those times?" I asked her, still my body facing her, while she just continued watching the movie infront of us.

"What makes you say that? Jennie Kim Manoban doesn't eat that much" she simply said.

"Eommas(mum & mommy) what's going on? And what does pregnant means?" Jay asked curiously, looking at Lisa and me.

"Pregnant means, eomma(mommy) is having a little baby inside her, so now, you're gonna be a big brother" Lisa told him happily, making the little boy jump up and down on his spot.

"I'm a big brother?" He asked happily while we just nodded at his cuteness.

"Yayyy! I get to have a baby brother or sister!" He yelled happily while hugging us both, thanking us for giving him a little sibling.

Lisa then got up making me frown from missing the warmth by my side, but soon later I smiled watching how my wife interacted with my son while they both just jump up and down on their spot, my son jumping in our couch while Lisa jumps on the ground.

"Okay, okay, that's enough, let's continue watching the movie" I told them giggling while Lisa sat back down between Jay and me making the both of us wrapped our arms around Lisa, as Lisa wraps her arms around the both of us as we lay our head down on her chest.

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