Chapter 35

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AN: Listen to the song when reading, or if you want to, it's okay, and thats it. Oh it's also a long chapter:) A few more chapters to go!

A couple of days later, at a cafe

Jennie's POV
"Holy mama, this looks so expensive... Yahh Lisa, how'd you get this?" Asked Jisoo while she examines my finger with my engagement ring.

"Well I got it from one of Jennie's favorite store, Tiffany & Co... also I saw this couple holding hand in hand while I was away for my business trip... and that got me thinking..that... I wanna spend the rest of my life with Jennie" Lisa said making my heart melt while she just looks at me lovingly as I smile at her and peck her lips.

"She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen" Lisa said while tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Cupid did come today" Rosé said while looking at Jisoo as they both smile making Lisa and I looked at them as they just waved us off saying it's nothing.

After a few seconds, I finally got what they were saying. No wonder I was feeling nervous earlier, this girl, the love of my life, the love for my life kept her promise and proposed to me. It was the most beautiful moment that ever happened in my life, next to my future wedding and having a family with her.

"So have you guys set the date yet?" Rosé asked while sipping on her lemonade while Jisoo nods looking at us.

"Yeah, have you guys?" Jisoo asked while munching on a bagel.

"Mmm kinda, we talked about it the night after she proposed to me" I told the two who kept grabbing my left hand checking to see if the ring is in great shape.

"It's in great shape, don't worry nothings gonna happen to it" I told the two while giggling as Lisa wrapped her left arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to her as I lay my head down to her shoulder.

"We were thinking during Spring, on April" I said while glancing at Lisa who nods her head.

"So that's next year then right?" Asked Jisoo as I nodded my head to say yes.

Few months pass by...

December, during Christmas

"Merry Christmas babe" I said while hugging my fiancée from the back.

"Merry Christmas to you too my soon to be wife" Lisa said while turning around in my arms and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Our first Christmas together before we get married in a couple of months" she said while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I know, so let's make this memorable babe" I told while attaching her lips with mine.

"Merry Christmas to you too love birds" Rosé said walking to us.

"Hey, babe! Come here I need help, I can't reach it" Jisoo said running to Rosé while pulling her.

"So what do you need help with?" Asked Rosé as Jisoo look up at the door same with Rosé.

"Kiss me, we're under a mistletoe" Jisoo said while making a kissy face which caused the three of us to giggle as Rosé blushed and kissed her girlfriend.

"Awwe that's so cute" I cooed at the two making them blush hard.

"Hey babe, look at this it's so pretty" Lisa said while holding something on top of my head.


I then felt lips kissing my own making me smile at how cheesy my fiancée was.

As we both parted our lips away, we both leaned our foreheads together and looked at eachother and smiled, remembering this moment.

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