Chapter 14

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No one's POV
Before the four girls could enter the house the music could already be heard three blocks away.

As they got closer to the house, they could see cars already parked at each sides of the roads.

"Wow, this place is packed" said Lisa looking around as same for the other girls.

"We need to find parking space, if not we'll have to park far away" Rosé told the three girls.

"There's one!" Yelled Jennie pointing at the space between two cars.

Rosé then park the car in between the two cars as the other three girls got out.

"Alright let's go" Jisoo said getting excited.

The four girls walk to the front of the house which were filled with already drunk people.

"Wait, we gotta stick together so no one gets lost" Jisoo said linking her right arms with Rosé and Lisa on her left while Lisa links her left arm with Jennie.

"We're good to go! Now let's get drinks and dance!" yelled Jennie.

"I'm gonna go get some drinks" said Lisa letting go of Jisoo and going up to the counter with Jennie walking behind her.

While waiting for her order Lisa sat on one of the stools in front of the counter.

"What'd you get?" Asked Jennie taking a sit besides her.

"I just told the bartender to give me drinks that's not too over powering" said Lisa while turning her body around to see the crowds of sweaty people dancing and grinding with each other.

The two girls then got their orders and joined Jisoo and Rosé on the dance floor.

Guys would try to dance with Jennie but she would just ignore them while moving closer to Lisa.

Lisa got her arms wrapped around Rosé's waist as Rosé has her hands up feeling the song.

Jisoo was just drinking and dancing trying not to get affected by the couple in front of her.

Red solo cups were everywhere.

Lisa decided to get another drink as it was already her sixth cup leaving the three dancing together.

Before Lisa could sit down on one of the stools to wait for her order arms were wrapped around her waist.

"I've been eyeing you since you came in" said the voice behind her.

She could smell the strong alcohol coming from their breath as she tries to move away but the grip got tighter.

"Hey what are you doing to her" said another voice behind her.

"You're not part of this, so move along" said the voice that was behind Lisa.

Lisa then turned around to see a drunken guy behind her.

She then kneed him and before she could leave the counter she got her order and went back to dancing on the dance floor.

"What was he trying to do to you?" Asked Jisoo who's walking besides Lisa.

"He was trying to kiss my neck but I didn't let him" Lisa said as the two of them found the other two girls dancing with half filled cups in their hands.

"Good thing I came to distract him while you kneed him" said Jisoo laughing.

"What are you guys laughing about" Rosé said who's tipsy.

"It's about this guy but its nothing" Lisa said while dancing to the song that was playing at the moment, as the other three girls were also dancing to the song.

The crowds sang louder as the music got louder.

The sweaty bodies move in sync to the bass of each songs that played.

The four girls kept dancing as they're surrounded by sweaty bodies everywhere.

Jisoo's POV
I started getting close to Rosé as Lisa let her arms go from Rosé's waist.

I grabbed her waist and started dancing with her in my arms. Lisa didn't notice because she too was busy dancing and drinking with Jennie.

They were on their own little world just like Rosé and I.

Beads of sweat started forming on her forehead as she wipes them with the hem of her thin sleeve sweater.

The way she looked at me made me insane. Her lips looks so luscious. The way she sway her hips, it was everything.

I grabbed her hand and pull her to one of the bedrooms.

Lisa and Jennie were both too busy to notice us leaving.

I opened the door to one of the bedrooms and pulled Rosé inside.

After closing the door, I pushed her to the bed and started giving her neck light kisses.

She started moaning my name just above a whisper.

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