Chapter 40

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No one's POV
It was a warm sunny afternoon when the family decided to go to the park to spend some family quality time together.

"Eomma(mommy)! Eomma(mommy)! Look I found a frog!" Jay yelled running towards Jennie who was preparing sandwiches on their picnic blanket.

"Show it to eomma(mum)" Jennie told her son.

"I did, and she told me to give it to you so I can keep it" he then smiled at his eomma which only earned him a smile from her.

"Eomma(mum) said that?" She asked nicely. Lisa knew Jennie wouldn't approve of the frog as Jay's first pet but decided otherwise just to see Jennie mad at her, which was a funny sight to see.

"Call eomma(mum) here right now" she told her son who obliged and went to her his eomma.

"Did she get mad?" asked Lisa who had a wide smile across her face while playing with her daughter on the swing.

"Nooo, but she told me to tell you to go there" after hearing what her son said her face went pale, seeing that Jay quickly walked to the swing and started pushing himself to go up.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit" Lisa mumbled as she makes her way to her wife.

"Hey there, whatcha making?" She asked as Jennie just hummed.

"Sandwiches" Jennie said not bothering to look at Lisa as she continues to make sandwiches for her kids while she lets little Lalia crawl on the blanket making sure she doesn't go anywhere else.

"Did you see Jay's pet yet?" Lisa asked as she tries to look at Jennie who wouldn't meet her eyes.

"Yes, yes I did. And you told him that he can keep it" Jennie said as she finally turns around facing Lisa.

"Oh, and are you okay with it?" Lisa asked nicely as possible.

"OKAY WITH IT?! LISA! Do you think I want a frog running around my house when I have to take care of three kids already? Do you know how messy that would be if you try to bring in a pet? huh?" Jennie screamed as I cover her mouth to shush her but it was too late because people were already looking at us.

"You said, three kids. We're gonna have another one?" I asked her as she just squints her eyes.

"No Lisa, the third kid is you. You don't even help at home. You just go to work and you let me handle our kids by myself. Do you know how hard that is? Especially when I can't get enough sleep at night? And now you're trying to bring in a pet, a frog inexact." Jennie then breath out as she runs her hands through her hair. Damn, she looks so good, Lisa thought.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave all the house responsibilities to you. I'm sorry for not helping you take care of the kids. But from now on I will try to help you take care of them" I smiled at her while she just smiled back at me.

"Okay, now tell Jay that he can't keep his friend" she smiled wider knowing their son couldn't take a no for an answer unless you negotiate with him.

"But that's hard! Why do I have to do it?" Complained Lisa who folded her arms.

"Because he's your son too, now go and tell him" Jennie then shooed Lisa away as she makes her way to her son.

"Hey little buddy, I just wanted to say that. Your eomma(mommy) and I think it's for the best to leave your little friend here" Lisa calmly said.

"Leave him here?" Jay asked as his small eyes widen. Lisa then swallowed a gulp knowing what's coming next.

"No! I'm not leaving him here! I wanna take him home eomma(mum)! He belongs with me!" Jay then started to cry as he flops down on the grass holding his little frog.

"Uhm what to do what to do" Lisa mumbled to herself as she thinks of a way to calm her son down.

"What seems to be the problem here?" An unknown voice asks from behind Lisa.

"My eomma(mum) does not want me to take home my frog" Jay pouted which was the cutest little thing ever making the stranger smile from ear to ear.

"Maybe because frogs can be a little messy. They're really hard to clean up after you know" the stranger said while kneeling down to his height.

"Oh okay, I understand now" the stranger then smiled at him and walked away.

"What the fuck was that" Lisa mumbled to herself.

"LISA!" Jennie yelled while walking to where Lisa and Jay were at while carrying little Lalia in her arms.

"Did you just let a stranger talk to my kid? Our kid? And you just stood there like, what were you thinking?" Jennie scolded Lisa while Lisa just stands up from sitting down.

"Geez, woman are you on your period today? You seem to be a little bit crazier than usual" Lisa chuckles while Jennie just glared at her.

"You know what, that stranger looks pretty. Maybe she should be your wife instead" Jennie then turned around and walked away back to where they had placed the blanket at.

"Jay, don't bother eomma(mommy). She's crazy" Lisa then picked up Jay in her arms and walks to Jennie who was feeding little Lalia some soft foods.

After placing Jay down he then walks to his car toys to play with.

Lisa then sat down behind Jennie and wraps her arms around her waist while placing her head at the crook of her neck.

"I love you so much" right when Lisa said those words Jennie instantly turned bright red. "I love you so much too" Jennie then pecked Lisa's lips and kissed her nose.

"I'll play with the kids okay? okay" Lisa then detached herself from her wife who pouted then smiled seeing the interaction between the three love of her life. She took out Lisa's camera and took a picture without the three knowing.

Jennie smiled at the memory of when they first met and all the memories they have made together.

"I knew it from the beginning that she was already mine" Jennie thought while seeing her little boy and her little girl laughing at Lisa who showed a meme about Jisoo and Rosé.

A/N: So this book has come to an end and thank you for all of you guys for reading this book. I appreciate you guys a lot❤️❤️❤️, but I just wanted to say sorry for I haven't updated for so long but now I did :) okay, again thank you for supporting this book again! ❤️

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