Chapter 2

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Jennie's POV
I didn't bother turning around because I still needed to find my first class. So I just said sorry and went my way.

As I was looking at the room numbers by the door, I was gladly happy that I found my class.

Lisa's POV
That girl just bumped me and didn't even say sorry. How rude of her.

Anyways I went to my class and saw my girlfriend Rosé sitting at her table so I went up to her and kissed her nose.

"Limariooo what was that for?" Rosé asked blushing.

Awwe my girlfriend looks so cute I just wanna pinch her chipmunk cheeks ahhh I thought.

"Lalisa! Why are you smiling and looking at me like that" she said slightly shoving me while laughing.

"What? I can't look at my girlfriend while smiling?" I asked her as I pout my lips.

"Yahh you can but it looks like you're on something geez," she said while slightly glaring at me but smiled afterward.

"You're so beautiful did you know that? Or have I ever told you that you're an awesome girlfriend?" I said while poking each side of her cheeks slightly.

She blushed so redly, my favorite color on her.

I sat beside her quickly when I saw our teacher outside.

"Okay class you can go to your seats now, I believe you all have matured since last school year," said the teacher entering the classroom and writing down our do now's on the board while chuckling.

"Like you guys ever did" he chuckling while the students laugh.

"We kind of did, kind of," said one the students in the class.

Flashback to the end of freshman year...

"Shut your mouth people! The teacher will be here any second, we can't let the teacher know-" one of the students yelled.

"Know what?" the teacher walked in.

We all went mute and you can hear the crickets doing their thing when it was quiet.

"Oh, we were talking about the tests and quizzes we're gonna have for this week Mr," I said saving the day from getting ruined.

"Oh, oh alright. You all should be studying then and not yelling at each other" Mr. Jang-hoon said chuckling.

We were all quite while watching him. And he looked at us like we knew something.

When he sat down in his chair an air horn came off making him startled and jump up from his seat.

"Wow, what a class. Tsk all of you will have a hard time on your quizzes then" said Mr. Jang-hoon chuckling.

"It was their fault, I didn't participate Mr.," said one of the students pointing to her left side which I was in.

"Ahhh left side always causing trouble, but good and funny kind trouble" Mr.Jang-hoon said slightly laughing.

"Ohh shush everyone was part-"

"LISA!" Rosé yelled while shaking my shoulders.

"Huh?" I said startled back.

"The bell already ring idiot, the class is done and we have to go our next class," Rosé said putting her hand out for me to intertwine our fingers.

"Oh that was quick," I said getting up. While intertwining out fingers.

But yeah that's what happened last time. But our teacher forgave us because he likes our class and most importantly he likes pranks, let me say that again. He loves pranks.

"Hey, babeee" Rosé said dragging the "e" at the end.

"Yesss?" I said dragging the "s".

"I love you," said Rosé smiling and pecking my cheeks.

"Awwe my girlfriend is so cute," I said while pinching her cheeks.

"I love you too," I said back smiling from ear to ear.

We both let go of each other's fingers and went our separate ways as I have Math class next.

Ugh the word itself makes me wanna drown myself in bleach and drink it up with tide pods as for my ice.

I sat down on one the seats in the back because, why not? I mean it's the first day of school so I really won't miss anything that much if I took a small nap since the teacher won't probably give us any questions.

You see I'm good at math, but it's too much for my head to take in. It's just too much you know.

I laid my head down on the table and took a nap.

Jennie's POV
I went to my next class Math. Hmm eww. Everyone doesn't like this subject at all.

I tried finding a seat but to my surprise, there are only 2 seats left. One by a girl with purple hair and one by the blonde-haired girl.

I choose to sit next to ...

AN: Happy Valentines Day guys! And I didn't even expect people would already be reading my book haha. I also might update twice a day or just once because I already have other chapters ready, so I just have to look through it and check for any errors. Anyways have a nice day/night!

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