Chapter 31

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Jennie's POV
After a week of stargazing, making snowman, snow angels, seeing and admiring the Northern Lights we're finally going home. I'm glad that we'll be going back home but also sad because Lisa's gonna be leaving me for a week going on a business trip which sucks. It really sucks because I won't be seeing my Lisa.

"Do you really have to leave? Is it even necessary to leave? What if someone tries to steal you away from me?" I asked the girl while hugging her waist not letting go.

"Yes, I'll be there in a few minutes" Lisa said talking to her phone who's also packing all of her papers and laptop in her bag that's already filled with papers.

"Babe I gotta go, I'm gonna be running late" she said while trying to let go of my waist.

"No, you're staying here" I pouted while tightening my hug on her waist.

"Doctor Kim if I stay here with you, who's gonna be taking care of your patients?" Lisa asked making me loosen my hug around her waist.

"You have a point there, but please come back soon as possible when you're all done with your work" I told her while pouting which earned me a kiss on my lips making me smile after.

"I'll see you soon Doctor Kim, I love you" Lisa said while pecking my forehead and walking away leaving me in awwe at her office.

At the Hospital

"How's my patient doing so far?" I asked the same little patient from a couple of months ago.

"I've been coming back every two weeks because of my sickness Doctor Kim, I don't like it but my mom said I have to fight them so that they'll go away from me" little Noah said while pouting at me making me smile.

"That's very true, cancer is very hard to fight but you have to keep fighting no matter what happens okay? So stay strong little Noah, you're almost healed" I told him showing my gummy smile making him smile back at me.

"This is why you're my favorite doctor ever Doctor Kim!" Little Noah said while hugging me as I hug him back and ruffle his curly hair.

"Have you gotten a girlfriend or boyfriend yet Doctor Kim?" Asked little Noah while I run some tests on him.

"Mhm" I hummed making him gasp while covering his mouth.

"Who is it? Is she or he pretty like you too?" Asked little Noah.

"She's very pretty, and she's very caring and energetic like you" I said chucking making him laugh.

"Do you have a picture of her? Can I see her face?" Asked little Noah who was looking at me with those pearly white smiles.

"Of course I do, and this is what she look like" I said while taking my phone out of my pocket and showing him my lock screen that showed Lisa and I sitting on a big pink chair that was filled with bears and other cute toys surrounding it.

"She's very pretty, if I meet her can I marry her?" Ask little Noah making me shake my head saying no at the same time.

"Eh? Why not? She's you're just your girlfriend Doctor Kim" said little Noah making me smile and chuckle at how he's  trying to get with my girlfriend.

"You can't because I've been promised that she'll propose to me soon, but not yet. So little Noah you can't have her, but maybe you can find someone else okay?" I told the little Noah while he just nod sadly.

"Hey hey, but I promise, you'll meet her soon once she comes back from her business trip okay?" I said making him smile again.

"Alright I have to go on and check other patients to okay? Be good and stay put till your eomma comes back okay?" I said to little Noah while he just nods and turning on the tv that was a few feet away from him.

"When will you come back Lisa? It's been years of not seeing you" I sighed going inside my office and turning on my laptop waiting for her to come on.

While finishing my patients paper my laptop started ringing making me look up at and smile but frown seeing another figure infront of the camera.

"Lisa she's on, I'll get going I'll see you tomorrow during our meeting" the girl said standing up and leaving after.

"Hey babe how are you?" Lisa asked cutely but I'm not in the mood to act cute at that moment.

"Who was that?" I asked Lisa who just looked at me while tilting her head to the side giving me that "who are you talking about" look.

"That girl who was just standing infront of your laptop a few seconds ago, you know what never mind. Have fun with her Manoban" I said while pressing the end call on FaceTime and closing my laptop.

So she wanna be a playgirl when I'm not by her side, okay I get it.

At Jisoo and Rosé's place

"She doesn't want me anymore" I said to myself while taking a deep breath and exhaling after trying to relax my mind.

Okay Lalisa Manoban, if that's what you want I'll give you what you want.

"Why is she ignoring me? Did I do something wrong unnie?" Asked the girl on the screen.

"Well If she's ignoring you then you might 've done something wrong right?" Ask the girl in front of the laptop.

"Aishhh unnie tell me what I did wrong so she can stop ignoring me" begged the girl on the screen.

"You should know what you did wrong" said the girl in front of the laptop.

"I don't know what I did wrong-"

"We should go, we might be late" said another voice on the screen.

"Alright, unnie I have to go. I'll talk to you guys later!" said the girl on the screen before she ended the video call.

"Are you ignoring her just because of that girl? What if they're just friends?" ask unnie.

"I'm still ignoring her" I told unnie leaving the living room and going back inside my room.

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