Chapter 32

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Jisoo's POV
"So that's the reason why she isn't talking or texting me back?" Lisa asked who I was talking to on FaceTime.

"Yup, so better come back home soon before she goes and ignores Rosé and me" I told her while eating my chicken which Rosé cooked for me earlier.

"Aishhh she's just my manager here" Lisa said while shaking her head.

"Anyways, are you done talking to me? I wanna cuddle with Rosé in our bed now" I told her while finishing my last chicken that was inside the bucket.

"Yeah I'm done talking to you now" Lisa said just looking at me.

"So have you got it or bought it yet?" I asked the girl who looked at me dumbfounded but soon shook her head yes.

"Yeah it's really pretty and hella expensive, but for her, it's worth it" Lisa said in awe making me smile like a fool.

"YES! FINALLY! It's about timeeeee" I told Lisa while she just laugh making me laugh.

"What was that for? Why were you being loud? Our neighbors might complain again" Rosé said coming out from our room only wearing a large shirt with short shorts underneath.

"Hey go back, Lisa can't see your goddess-like legs, go back. Shoooo" I told Rosé while shooing her away from the camera making the latter inside the laptop laugh.

"It's okay Jisoo, I saw her goddess-like legs before, don't worry" she said still laughing making me send her some death glares.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry, my bad but yeah I'll see you guys soon" Lisa said ending our FaceTime making me smile.

"So, shall we continue?" I Asked Rosé while wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Brush your teeth first then we shall" Rosé said turning around and going back to the room.

Hehehe I'm getting some again tonight, chicken I'll save you for tomorrow because tonight is Rosé, I said to myself while walking to our bathroom and brushing my teeth then going to our room.

Jennie's POV
Ugh, I can't sleep, damn you Manoban. Why don't you come back home already I miss you inside me- I mean ew no stay as long as you want there, I don't care- but Lisa's long and slender finger ughh- she's fooling with someone else, that's it my mind couldn't take it anymore so I stood up from my bed and went to take a cold shower trying to relax my head from the arguments with myself earlier.

This is so hard, I'm missing her more each day. Why do I even decline all her calls and not text her back whenever she tried to call me and text me.

Jennie yahhh if you don't wanna lose your women again, better take her back before it's too late I said to myself.

After getting done showering I put on Lisa's long t-shirt and put on my underwear and went to sleep with Kuma by my side.

"Let's sleep good and keep waiting for our Lisa Kuma" I told Kuma who was already sleeping.

"Lucky dog, you have me, I feed you well bathe you well, groom you well and give you all that you want so I'll expect the same in return okay baby Kuma?" I Asked the sleeping dog making me smile and kiss his forehead.

"Goodnight baby Kuma, Goodnight my dear beautiful girlfriend Lisa" I said to myself before drifting off to sleep.

Rosé's POV
After what happened last night with Jisoo I don't think we'll be ever doing this again anytime soon.

"You broke our clock and now I'm running late Jisoo, how do you expect me to meet all my patients at the hospital in time now huh?" I yelled at Jisoo who was busy driving fast trying not to kill both of us.

"It's not my fault the clock was in the way" she yelled back making me slumped down in my seat.

"Can you just, just drive fast and try not to kill us on the way" I told her calmly while trying to relax my mind.

"Hey isn't Lisa coming back home today?" Jisoo asked glancing at me then back at the road.

"Oh yeahhhh, we have to pick her up and send her home to Jennie's arm before that girlfriend of hers goes cuckoo on us again" I told Jisoo who just chuckled.

"Damn that girl couldn't even pay attention to where she was going yesterday and bump a glass door two times" I said laughing with Jisoo.

"She badly needs Lisa now then, and what time do we have to pick her up?" I Asked my girlfriend who was in my passenger seat.

"At five thirty, Lisa texted me when she's gonna be landing earlier this morning" Rosé said making me hum in response.

Lisa's POV
Finally, my meeting is down now I can go back to my Jennie and cuddle with her and yeahhhh with her, I said to myself smiling at the last sentence.

"Flight to Seoul, South Korea boarding in five minutes. All first class and family with little children please line up infront of the desk and ready your plane ticket, thank you" one the of the lady said who was at the front of the desk.

"Mommy mommy! Can I have my tewwy bwear pwease?" A little boy said while tugging on his mom's pants.

"Okay Izzy, just wait so I can get your teddy bear inside my bag" the mother said while grabbing the bear from inside her bag.

"Tenk yu mommy!" The little boy smiled at his mom making me smile at the sight that happened infront of me.

Damn, now I want to have my own little family, I said to myself thinking about Jennie and I having our own little growing family.

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