Chapter 1

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Jefferson's P.O.V



I smack my alarm clock, almost breaking it. I groan in annoyance, I didn't want to get up. "Come on Toms, get up!" Lafayette screamed at his brother, from the other side of the room. "Why do we have to get up at this ungodly hour!?" I scream back while shoving his face into my pillow. A pillow was thrown at me from across the room. "We have to go to our new dorms. Herc, Laurens, and Alex are picking us up." Lafayette tells me. I open my eyes and see my brothers tattoo shine a light grey. I mumble under my breath, and get up from my bed. We are going to high school today in our last year, we were switching schools so we don't have to go to a different school for college. The school we were going to had grades from all of high school, to college. I wasn't excited at all. Everyone will stare at me and I know it. It's a light magics school, and of course people will stare at my dark tattoo and think I'm a criminal or something. Everyone is born with a tattoo, either a light tattoo, the represents light or good magic, or a black one. That represents black magic. Now getting black magic is very rare, a lot of people get light magic. I guess I got to be the odd one out. I have dark magic. My tattoo is a series or lines with thorns. It represented my power. The tattoo I have looks like the stem of a rose, but without the actual rose. With several other lines and mini designs on it. Lafayette has light magic, which I don't know how, he's my twin, we should have the same power right? He has lightning powers. He can create different types of colored lightning. Each color means a different thing, and he can (weakly) control it for a certain attack. It showed on his light tattoo. A series of lines with a lightning built in the center. I can only attack, I can't heal or do anything good with my power. My powers are extremely strong. Stronger than most dark magic users. I can make vines with thorns come from my hands and back. I also am able to release a poison gas if I concentrate enough. I hear a honk from a car come from outside. I sigh and grab my suitcase. I watch Laf put his hair up in a quick ponytail so people can tell us apart. Most of the time we hide our tattoos since they're on our upper arm. We both grab our suitcases, and head down the stairs. "We didn't have time to eat." Lafayette states with a sigh. I release a vine from my hand to grab an apple for him. I grab it with the vine and bring my vine back, the apple now in my hand. I had a few cuts from the thorns on the vine but it was still okay. I throw it to him and he catches and smiles at me. Laf and I had a okay connection. Sure we bicker, but we're brothers, and we stick together. Another honk from the car is heard from outside. I feel blood from my nails go down my hand. I wipe it away and open the door. When someone uses their power, they have a weakness. Most of the time a person will bleed from their nose or nails or ears. Or get a headache. Or pass out or get dizzy, it's scary at first but you get used to it. I close the door behind Laf and I and we get in the car. "Jefferson." Alex states halfway glaring at me. "Hamilton." I say back. Alex and I never got along. He always thought he was better than everyone. Which, honestly, was quite true. He had a lot of powerful magic. "Took ya long enough!" Herc says, he's in the driver's seat. Laurens is in the passenger seat, Laf, Alex and I are in the back. I'm in the way back, they're three rows of seats. It about an hour and a half drive to get to the high school/ college if we were lucky. "Traffic." John says in a hushed tone. He never spoke much. He did if you were his friend, but In broken English. John was wearing gloves that didn't cover his finger tips, a grey sweatshirt and jeans. His curly hair was pulled in a ponytail and he had dark eye makeup under his eyes that covered some of the scattered freckles across his face. He didn't control the stuff under his eyes though. The color showed emotion. John has the power of telekinesis and predicting the future. His tattoo was on the back of his hand and had zigzagged lines with an eye in the center. It looked like a cat eye. Herc huffs at what John says and starts to drive. Herc had the power of strength and what we think is flight. He has float from the ground once so he needs to figure that out at school. His tattoo was on his ankle, and it had lines that looked like wind and a flexed arm in the center. Showing he had super strength as some called it. Finally Alex. Alexander Hamilton has many powers. He has the power of quick math, quick write, and color changer. He was extremely intelligent, considering the quick math and quick write. He could think of math problems and write an essay in a matter of minutes or even seconds. Color changer, meant he could cry basically. It sounds stupid, but you cry different colored tears to show anger or other emotions. It looked like paint drops when it came from his eyes. He couldn't control that one though. He bleeds from his eyes when it happens too much. His tattoo has several neat lines, with mathematical signs, and pencils, and a teardrop in the center. He was on his phone looking at pictures on instagram, Laf was looking out the window and John was looking very intently at the road. Herc kept his eyes on the road, making sure to pay attention to signs, and stop when needed. I see John smirk and snap his fingers, causing the vehicle to stop. Herc jumped and glared at John, who was now bleeding from his nose. Herc was about to yell at him, when he realized he was about to hit a shopping cart, that was in the middle of the road. Herc sighs, he always would have trouble concentrating. John flicks his wrist, this causing the shopping cart to fly out of the way. Now he bled from both nostrils. He with the blood away with his glove, and the shade of black from under his eyes, turned to purple. Showing he was happy. Herc glared at him once more and then got back to driving. "You're welcome." John says still in a hushed tone to him, this causing Alex to chuckle. I lay back in my seat and sigh. I closed my eyes as and scratch at my tattoo. I really did hate my magic. I hated the vines and thorns, how it scared people and how ugly it was. Black magic sucks. "Mon pére." Laf says. I open my eyes and see vines with thorns coming from my hands. Hamilton rolls his eyes. "Control your power dumba**." He halfway yells. I extend one of my vines with a thorn on the end and scratch Hamilton's cheek lightly, just breaking the skin. Alex gasped as I pull my vines back, all of my fingernails on my left hand were bleeding. I see red tears go down Hamilton's cheek, showing his anger. It was a bright red, different from blood red. "Oh you little.." he starts and turns to hit me. Laf stops him with a pink lightning bolt. It zaps him lightly on his hand. "Ow!" Alex screeches. Laf smirks, "No more powers in the car." He tells them, now bleeding from his ears. Alex wipes the red paint like substance from his face and his eyes begin to bleed a bit. I grin at him, but I knew one touch from the red paint substance that came from his eyes, I would be toast. The red paint made a burn that hurt like nothing else. Like hot oil, or grease, but a longer stinging sensation.  The other colors do different things, like sting someone, or make someone cold. But the red paint substance was dangerous. Alex wiped his eyes until the bleeding stopped. "Great, now my car smells like blood." Herc grumbles under his breath. I smirk and wipe my bloody hand in the seat next to me. Laf smacks my leg lightly, and I roll my eyes at him. I knew I wasn't that mean of a person, sometimes just short tempered, but I did like to mess with people. I see Alex touch his cheek where I cut it, and he shoots me a glare. I just smirk at him. "Wrong turn." John says suddenly, his face growing a bit pale. "Thanks, but stop using your powers, you're going to lose your energy." Herc says in a soft voice as he turns around. Everyone worried about John the most. He uses his power a lot, and when he uses it too much, he can't move and he blacks out. He is like a little brother to everyone. "Okay..." John responds weakly, as he wipes his nose again. He rests his head back and naps through the rest of the trip, the color from under his eyes now going black. After awhile longer, we get to the huge high school. I consisted of 3 buildings. One for dorms, one for the main college/ high school, and one for the neutral students. Herc wakes John up, and we all get out of the car. Grabbing our suitcases on the way out. We go to the front desk, and get our schedules and room numbers. John was with Alex, Lafayette was with Herc, which made me upset. Laf was the only person I wanted to be with, he's my brother after all. "Who the heck is James Madison??" I basically scream when we go into the elevator. Everyone shrugs their shoulder and I growl in annoyance, my eyes growing black. It happens when I'm angry. Laf puts his hand on my shoulder for comfort and I take a deep breath. I just hope he's not a snobby magic person. Like Alex, who thinks their better than everyone. At least we are all on the same floor. We all get to our dorms, Alex and John first, then Laf and Herc, and now I'm trying to find mine at the end of the hallway. I finally find the room. The number reads, 154. I grab my key out and unlock the door. The dorm is small, it has two rooms which one of the doors was closed) with a bare bed, a mini kitchen area, and a small living space. Along with a door which I assumed led to the bathroom. "Umm... Hello?" I say, seeing if my new dorm mate was here. I hear shuffling from inside the closed door, that led to the second bedroom. I closed the door to my dorm, and set my suitcase down. The door to the second room swings opened. I see a small, tanner man, with short black hair, and chocolate brown eyes. He looked flustered and out of breath. He looks at me and he shys away. "Oh... um.. h-hi..." he says in a whisper. "I assume you're James Madison. I'm Thomas Jefferson. Apparently we're dorm mates." I say to him with a shrug. He just nods. I take a second to observe him, looking for his white tattoo. It must've been covered or something. "Y-yeah... nice to meet you Thomas..." he says in the same tone looking down at his feet. James went back into his room and shut the door. Leaving me really confused, but I shrugged it off. I bring my suitcase into my new room and set up everything I have. With my clothes, blankets, pillows, and some posters. Once everything was set up I go on my phone for awhile. I think to myself, should I tell my roommate that I'm dark magic? Or maybe that'll just scare him off. I sigh at my thoughts. I always scare people off. Plus he's probably a good magic type. I sigh as I shove my face into a pillow. This is going to be a loooonnnnggggggg year......

I tried! Tell me what you think!

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now