Chapter 33

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James' POV

"Now duck, there's a doorway and you're too tall for everything." I tell Thomas, as I lead him into the eye doctors office. He nods and ducks his hands as we walk in. He reaches out his hand until he feels the red leather chair leaning a bit backwards. He sits down and squints his eyes to try and see me.

"How long has it been like this?" I asked him, placing my hands on my hips. He bit his lip and looked up towards the ceiling. I sighed and sat down in a black chair and took out my phone.

"I'm sorry.." Thomas mumbled to me.

"It's fine Tommy, I just wish you would've have told me sooner." I admit to him, scrolling through my messages. My finger hovered over Peggy's contact. I clicked my tongue, and double tapped my home button and swiped the app up. Clicking off of it. I'm sure she's fine. She must be hanging out with Eliza and Angie. I'm jealous, they get a whole week of just sister time! I chuckled at my own thoughts as an alarm from Thomas' phone goes off, startling me. He takes his phone from his back pocket and turns the alarm off.

"When were done here, make sure to switch your binder. Take it off and use a sports bra." Thomas told me strictly. My mouth gasped open.

"You..You've been keeping track??" I asked him as he nodded and smirked. I sighed and slumped down in my seat. The door opened and a man walked in. He had dark skin and short hair.

"Hi, I'm your nurse for the day, I'm just going to be doin some small tests before we try to see what's actually wrong." He said rather quickly, while turning off the light in the room. Thomas nodded as the man started doing some simple tests.

"I'm going to lean your chair back, and close your eyes. I'm going to drop some eye drops that will dilate your eyes." He explained, while pressing a button the leaned Thomas chair back. Thomas closed his eyes and the nurse dropped a substance into the corner of his eyes. He flinched at the contact.

"Open your eyes and blink it in. It might sting." He tells Thomas, leaning his chair back up. Thomas hissed and cursed under his breath when he felt the sting. The nurse got up and left the room. I instantly got up from my chair and got a tissue for him.

"Are you okay?" I asked gently, wiping the leftover liquid from his eyes. He nodded and chuckled at my actions. I sighed and pecked his lips sweetly. He smiled at me as I pulled away. Just like that, the doctor came in. A girl with slick brown hair and blue glasses walks in.

"Hello! I'm Trisha and I'll be your doctor." She introduces. As she does the exam, Thomas kept switching the lenses, seeing which one was better. I picked at my nails until I saw the doctor get a little.. close.. to Thomas. She put her hand on his thigh and whispered in his ear. I felt my heart drop for a second and I growl. She glares over at me and Thomas smacks her hand. She gives Thomas a piece of paper before leading us to a desk to get his glasses. Apparently he's far sighted. Thomas threw away the piece of paper as we walked out and scoffed. I growled quietly.

"Don't worry Jemmy, you're my one and only~" he flirts with me. I giggled and smacked his arm playfully, my face heating up. (This is so badddd)

I wonder what the sisters are doing...

Peggy's POV

Dear Hope,
Today was okay. Better than the days before. Teresa visited me a few times. My sisters are going to visit me in a second and I'm really worried. They requested to do a phone call and I said no. And the next day they asked to come here and I just agreed. I don't know how they've been doing. Probably hanging with their soulmates or something like that. While I've been here I've discovered my love for drawing again. I used to draw a lot as a kid and was fairly good at it. Now my drawings aren't as good but I enjoy drawing little cartoons. Someone just knocked on my door, I'll write in here in a second.|

  I close my book and put it under my pillow. I grabbed the bear that I've been holding onto the past couple days, and get up. I stand on my tippy toes to see through the small slot to see who it was. Teresa was there with a clipboard. I did notice 2 girls behind her though. My sisters. I sighed and went to unlock the door. But I got distracted... Eliza looks like she hasn't slept in days.. Angelica holding her with a tired face as well. Have they been... worried about me..? I unlock the door a creak it open just a bit.

"Yes?" I whisper to Teresa. She smiles at me.

"Your sisters are here to see you!" She says, excitement bubbling inside her. I sigh and open the door. I was half way excepting to be yelled at but...

"Peggy!" Both of my sisters scream and tackle me in a hug. We all fall to the ground with a thud.

"Angelica.. Eliza.." I say, as they hold onto me like their life depends on it. Teresa smiles and closes the door. We all sit up and Eliza immediately starts crying.

"We're so sorry!" She tells me, covering her face. I feel my heart pound with guilt.

"Eliza.. it's okay."

"It's not! We I-ignored you and n-now y-you're h-here a-and.." she trails off. I hug her tightly.

"It's not your fault.." I whisper to her. Angelica started to hug us too. I smile and hold them tighter.. they've been worried... we all pull away and smile at each other.

"Have you been better Pegs?" Angelica asked me. I shrugged and hugged my arms with a sigh. I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"N-now y-you Guys Are h-here. I-I didn't realize how much I missed you.." I admit to them. They shush me and hug me tightly.

"I love you guys so much..." I whisper as soft tears slide down my face. We talk for about a half an hour.

"And then they-... Hey!" I yell at Eliza, who covered my eyes with her hands.

"Shh! We have a surprise!" She tells me. I sigh and try to push her away. She refuses to let me go and keeps my eyes closed. I hear shuffling and feel my heart rate speed up a bit. I hear a gasp from a person. I move my head in the direction that it came from.

"Angelica what? I'm confused!" I tell them, a little frustrated.

"Don't freak out." Eliza tells me and uncovers my eyes. I rub my eyes and open them again. My gasp at who I saw. Maria was standing there with a red jacket, a black and white striped crop top, and jeans. She wore a beanie that let her hair cover her eye. She had her hands over her mouth. It took me a second to process what happened. I smile brightly and scream out of joy. I jump up from the bed and jump onto Maria. She laughs and catches me spinning me around. I feel tears fall from my face as she spins me around. I hold her face in both of my hands, holding onto the sides of her face. She stops spinning me and smiles up at me.

"H- mph!" She starts to say something but I cut her off with my lips on hers. I feel her smile and kiss back. I pulled back and laughed as I hugged her tightly. My eyes go wide as I jump down from her. I cross my arms and look up at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Where have you been?" I ask her, a little mad but mostly glad she's here. She laughs nervously.

"Uh... France?"

I rolled my eyes and was about to say something, but I realized something...

Maria's stomach...
where a small baby bump laid...

(I feel so bad because I haven't posted in forever. This is really bad and I'm sorryyyyy! I love you guys so much ❤️)

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