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I'm sorry I've been so bad at posting lately. I'm trying to think through the story lines.
I'm so so so sorry.

I'm not going to update and I'm bored.
Does anyone want to Rp with me?
I'm sorry again
I'm going to write scenarios and send me a dm of which one you would like to do if you would like to do one. 💙🏳️‍🌈 

Here are the scenarios;

(My character, John. Your Character, Alexander. ship, Lams.)
  Alexander is an abolitionist, about to buy a slave to try and study their emotions and help them. John is a sex slave that has been sold since the age of 15. John is now 20 and Alexander is 21. Will John learn to love again?

(My character, Maria. Your Character, Peggy {or we can switch} )(Say no to this basically)
Maria comes to Peggy's house crying. Saying her husband is beating her again and she can't take it. When Maria gets let inside, things get a little.. heated. What will Peggy do?

(My character, James. Your character, Thomas. Ship, Jeffmadds.)
Thomas has been having very busy days. He would work extra hours and eat and just fall asleep when he got home. A lot of the times he would say he was at work, but came home smelling of smoke and alcohol. He comes in drunk and starts yelling at James, but immediately apologizes, confusing for James. Will James let this continue?

That's what I have. Also, this is how I usually rp, but I can adjust to however you do if you want to.

John- *pushes Alexander away* stop that!

If you want to rp
I'm here lol
See ya!
I might do more of these so if you ever want to rp at any time just send me a message.

Stay strange
Stay positive
Stay you! 💎🏳️‍🌈🔥🌹🥀💜❤️🌈

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