Chapter 19

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James POV.

I wake up with pains aching my body. Mostly my torso and.. chest. I groan and wince as I sit up, seeing I'm only in a bra and shorts. I see the indents that I saw last night weren't as bad. Except the one on my right breast. I looks gross. Purple and yellow bruises scattered across to line going across it. I cringed at the ugly sight. It look infected. My lower stomach felt cramped, like I was about to vomit. I didn't feel like I was going to vomit though. I just felt terrible. I look at my phone, and see the time.


  I sigh heavily, and grab my binder from under the bed. I wrap it around my chest and tighten it. I yelp from the pressure on my chest. I undo the binder and breath heavily, swearing underneath my breath. I can't go to school like this...

"Hey James? Are you okay? I thought I heard you yelp." Thomas says from behind my closed door.

  I breathing hitched and my voice was caught in my throat.

"U-umm... y-yeah..." I manage to stutter out. I grab my binder and a sports bra from my drawer, and lock myself in the bathroom. My breathing heaving.

"You don't sound okay.." Thomas says, it was difficult to hear him.

"I-I'm g-going to sh-shower!" I yell out to him. Turning on the shower to make it seem like I was in there. I quickly get out my phone and call Peggy.



"H-hey Jem?"

"Hey, it's really early, are you okay?"



"Can you come over?"

"What happened? What's wrong?"

"I messed up... and I need someone to talk to.. I can't go to school the way I am..."

"I'll be over in 5 minutes. Hang in there."


"I'll bring blankets and a movie or chocolates or something."

"Peggy?" The sounds of keys jingle in the background.


"I love you..."

"Love you too JJ. I'll be there soon."

Peggy hangs up the phone and I let out a breath of relief. I let the shower run so Thomas would think I was in there, and waited. I turned the shower off after 10 minutes and walked out of the bathroom. I flopped into my bed, putting a bed sheet over my head. I stayed like that until I heard a knock at the front door. I hear a discussion go on between Thomas and Peggy. Peggy wearily knocks on my door. I hold my hand out and my hand glows, it opens the door. Peggy walks in, sets stuff that she brought down, and sees me curled up on the bed. I hear her shut the door softly and sit next to me.

"JJ? Why is your binder on the ground?" She asks quietly. I hug my knees tightly, only to wince from the pains in my chest.

"I messed up..." I whisper, extending my legs out. Peggy pulls the bed sheet off my head and I look away from her.

"What happened?" She asks kindly.

I sigh and pull the bed sheet off. My face flushing from embarrassment because of my outfit. I turn towards her and she gasps.

"How long have you been wearing it??"

"I don't know.. I feel asleep with it on.."

"James.. you-.."


"What do you mean no? I didn't say anything..."

"Don't... c-call me th-that..."


"I f-feel like... l-like J-Jasmine right n-now..." I sputter out, struggling to say the name. Also struggling to keep my tears in.. Peggy looks at me wide eyed.

"Just because this happens.. doesn't make you any less of James... Jasmine is not James. Jasmine is someone who hides her feelings because she's afraid.. James is strong and speaks his mind.. he lets people know what he thinks and defends people. He's never afraid to try something new and he never falls short. And.. that's why people love him... because he's himself... and he helps others... like, he helped me..." Peggy finishes.

I wipe a stray tear from my face and lean my head on her shoulder. She wraps her arm around me and rubs my arm for comfort.

"Sometimes I'm not strong.. sometimes I'm not enough.. I never feel like enough. It's like all I do will never be enough. I fall and break and have so many flaws.. nothing about me is perfect. You guys say I'm better than I was before... but am I really..? Or did I just expose myself to more hurt..? Am I just opening up myself more for more pain and more flaws..? Or did I do the right thing...?" I ask and say quietly.

  Peggy stays silent for awhile

"Nobody is perfect... we all have broken pieces and flaws. Things we hate about ourselves..." she pauses. "We all do.. it makes us human.. but if we had no one to help us.. then we'd be so broken.. that we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves.. like a puzzle.. at first all the pieces are scrambled. Not knowing where to go. But once someone comes along and takes the time to do it and help fix it, it's whole again. If you're missing a piece of the puzzle... then it doesn't make sense.. the full picture seems wrong... like it's missing something or someone.. We're all broken pieces.. but don't all broken pieces make a whole..?" she pauses and grabs my hand.

"We just have to find the right pieces to put it together again..." she finishes, lightly squeezing my hand. I turn and smile at her.

"I love your so much sis..." I whisper under my breath.

"Love ya too JJ..." she whispers back. I kiss her forehead. She giggles.

"C'mon, lets get you cleaned up.." she says, getting up to the bathroom.

  I get up and start to get ready for the day..

Ready to face whatever challenges are ahead.

Because I'm not alone.

I'm never alone.

At least that's what I thought now...

(Don't ask just.. nope.)

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