Chapter 26

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Thomas' POV.

  I slowly and sadly walk to Potions class. Without James to hold my hand.. or to anyone to talk to. Is this how James feels most times? It sucks.. everyone is pissed at me, I don't blame em'. Peggy looked afraid of me, her tear stained face looking down and up like she was nervous. Her sisters would shoot glares at me. John was avoiding me and Alex followed. Hercules and Lafayette were just very disappointed in me. Again, I don't blame them..

"Hey!" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. I turn and see Raina there. They glare up at me. Suddenly, I get slapped across the face for the second time. That's goin to leave a bruise..

"Guessing you heard about my shitty acts?" I say, rubbing my cheek. They nod and cross their arms.

"Look, I don't know y'all well, but this ain't gonna be good. Reynolds is so powerful, and in the wrong mind set James can agree to stuff that is terrible. Like joining Reynolds or fighting him." They say. I tilt my head confused. They growl and stomp off to somewhere. That was confusing. I walk into my Potions class. A short haired girl sits in James seat, fiddling with her pencil. Why is she sitting there? I walk up to the teacher,

"Who's the girl sitting next to me now? Did James switch seats?" I ask her, she keeps organizing her papers. She sighs and adjusts her glasses.

"Her name is Jasmine. That was James." She mumbled the last part. My eyes go wide and my head snaps back to James. I see the scar across his cheek I gave him awhile back. He's still spinning his pencil between his fingers. I sigh and walk over and sit down next to him. He doesn't even seem to notice, he just kept staring at his pencil as he spun it, like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I sigh as class starts. I wasn't paying attention though, I kept glancing at James. I rip out a piece of notebook paper, and write a note.

'I'm sorry'

I slide the small note towards James, he looked confused but shakily opened it. He read it and his eyebrows furrowed. He scribbles something onto it and slides it back.

'It's a little late for that Jefferson.'

Is what it reads in cursive writing. I frown and write again.

'I know.. please don't do something you'll regret.'

I slide it to him and he opens it, he chuckles and scoffs then writes quickly.

'Ha! little late for that too.'

I sigh and put the note away.

James' POV

The lunch bell rings. I really don't know where to go. No way I'm going to our usual lunch table. I grab my sketchbook and walk quickly down the hallway. People kept looking at me weird, but I didn't care. I see Samuel with Lee and George laughing. I see Jules and Mae laughing. As I'm walking down the hallway, I see Raina leaning against some lockers with a lollipop sick hanging out of their mouth. I just keep walking.

"That isn't going to help you.." I hear Raina say from behind me. I stop in my tracks and turn around to look at them. They keep their gaze in front of them, taking the candy out of their mouth.

"Cutting, dressing like a female, it hurts other people seeing you like this. It hurts you the most." They say, and I give them a confused look towards them. They turn towards me, and only then did I notice they had a bruise over their cheek and a black eye. My eyes went wide and they just roll their eyes.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask softly.

"Because I've been in your shoes." They say plainly. They put their arm over their mouth and start to cough. Blood splatters from their mouth, making me come towards them to try and help. They wipe the blood from their mouth, and put the candy back in their mouth to get rid of the taste.

"Take your time, but be yourself." They say before limping off to the bathroom. I turn to be greeted with face of Peggy. Her face looked tear stained. We just stand their for awhile, looking at each other. I feel my eyes burn and I hug her tightly. She hugs back just as tight. I hear a sob come from her mouth, muffled by my shirt. I rub her back soothingly, shushing her silently. She pulls away from me, and looks me up and down. She wipes her cheeks from tears.

"I don't like this." She says, her hands still in mine.

"Me neither.." I admit to her, looking down at my feet. I pull away from her, and walk towards the door.

"James? Where are you going?"

"To fix something."

Time Skip

I walk to Weehawken Hill. I wore a plain white shirt and jean shorts that reached just past my knees. I was texting with the gc.

Magic Squad

GayTurtle- Lafayette where's Thomas?

BlackMagic- No where...

GayTurtle- I despise you.

ColoredTears- John is crying and I don't know why.

MuscleMan- Again?

Alloftheabove(Mae)- I'm pretty sure we all want to beat Thomas' face in rn

Lizzzzard- Mae, no

AlloftheAbove- Aww man!

BlackMagic- I'm still here ya know??

Jem-Where's James, it says he's reading these.

El- I'm queer and I'm here and it's all good now🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

GayTurtle- Sis, what are you doing in this gc?

El-Being Gay

['BlackMagic' has kicked 'El' from 'Magic Squad']

DeadRose- I'm here

Jem- That doesn't really answer my question, where?

DeadRose- About to fight Reynolds.

Lizzzzard- Please don't say that's true.

GayTurtle- Go to Weehawken Hill now.

BlackMagic- What?

GayTurtle- NOW
(Sorry if it seems like I'm rushing this)
I ignore the rest of the texts I get. I walk to Weehawken and see Reynolds there. I take a deep breath and put a hand over my chest.. the necklace Thomas gave me around my neck. I smile.

I can't wait to see him again..

He probably won't want to be around me though.

I hear doors slam from behind me, I don't bother to look back.

"You ready Jasmine?"

"Yep." I say plainly, my breathing was slightly heavy.

"JAMES!" I hear Peggy's voice yell from behind me. I turn my head and see the entire squad there, catching their breath. Peggy and John were sobbing their eyes out and Thomas was crying. Peggy went to come up to me. My eyes burned. I hold my hand out and white chains come from my hands, they grab her arms and legs. I snap my fingers and the chains squeeze her arms and legs. People try to get her out, except for Thomas. I stand their glaring at him, my eyes white.


"Like you said, I'm Jasmine."

I turn to face Reynolds again.

"JAMES LOOK OUT!" I hear a voice scream, Raina. I didn't hear or see much after that. I didn't feel anything. I couldn't. The only thing I heard.

Was two gunshots.

And a pain in my hip and collarbone.

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now