Chapter 7

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(^^^ only I would realize the reference of that in my school.. I'm such a nerd and theatre geek.)

James' P.O.V.

"DIRTY TRUTH IR DARE IT IS!!" Peggy screams out.

Oh hell no.

"Um.. no. I'm not participating in this." I say, backing away from the circle.

"JJ!" Peggy whines, "Don't be such a downer!" She exclaims, lightly punching my arm. Everyone looks at me...

"Fine..." I mumble, rolling my eyes.

"OKAY I GO FIRST!!" Peggy yells in my ear, making me wince.

"Alex! Truth or dare?" She asks with a smirk.

"Dare." He replies, probably instantly regretting it.

"Give John a hickey." She replies, keeping a smug smirk plastered on her face. Both of their faces flush a bright pink. Pink tears fall from Alex's face. John whispers something to Alex, and Alex sighs, we all stare at the two. Alex leans over and starts to kiss John's neck, causing everyone to 'ooo' and squeal. I just roll my eyes. John tilts his head to give Alex more access and Alex continues to suck on his neck. Alex pulls away and a purple bruise is left on John's neck, leaving the two with red faces. Pink tears flow down Alex's face and he wipes them away, his eyes now bleeding a bit.

"Lafayette, truth or dare?" Alex asks, trying to get the attention away from him.

. . .

  This went on for awhile. We found out Laf is a virgin, Herc had to take off his shirt, we found out Angie has a poster of Thomas Paine (an author of her favorite book) on her ceiling cause she has a major crush on him, John told us who would have sex first out of the group, which was John and Alex, no surprise there.

"Thomas! Truth or dare?" Lafayette asks him mischievously.

"Dare." He replies plainly, cleaning dry blood from his nails.

"Go kiss James." He tells him, causing both of us to freeze. Thomas glances at me and I look down in my lap. I feel intense heat on my face and I'm sure my cheeks are as red as a tomato.

"Well, what're you waiting for?" Peggy exclaims, seeing both of us frozen. Finally, Thomas sighs and rolls his eyes and crawls over to where I am.

"Are you okay with...?" He asks me. I nod, knowing he was asking for consent. He sighs again and pecks my cheek quickly.

"Ahh booo! You cheated!" Alex yells angrily.

"He never specified!" Thomas yells back, his cheeks darkening to a red. I stay silent, looking down. My cheek tingled where his kiss had been planted.

Time skip

After playing the game for awhile, and being childish, we all decide we should head home for the night. Thomas walks out the door with me, saying goodbye to Peggy on the way out, she winks and smirks at me before I leave.

"So..." Thomas starts, and I look at him, tilting my head a bit.

"Sorry about kissing you. Laf ships us a lot for... some reason." Thomas tells me, rubbing the back of his neck. I nod, still looking down. We walk to his car in silence, until I feel something on my shoulder. I look over, and see the tiny black silhouette sitting Indian style on my shoulder. I smile and hold out my hand so it can jump on. It does so, and I stop walking, smiling down at the figure. As soon as he gets to the palm of my hand, whit light comes from my hand, startling me slightly. My tattoo glows steadily. The white silhouette sees the black one and hugs it.

"That truly is amazing..." Thomas comments, admiring the silhouettes behavior.

"It's like they're people... like they know what they're doing..." I say, still smiling. After a couple minutes of watching their behavior, they how to each other, and disappear. We walk back to the car, and head home...

Reynolds P.O.V.

JRey- Why hello darling.

Sallylamb- why hello scumbag.

JRey- you love me

Sallylamb- You wish

JRey- I need a favor darling.

Sallylamb- You still owe me. I refuse to do anything for you until you get my Thomas back to me.

JRey- he left you because you abused him and cheated on him.

Sallylamb- your point?

JRey- he despises you darling. He won't want you back...

JRey- unless....

Sallylamb- get to the damn point Reynolds

JRey- I can get you Thomas back. On one condition.

Sallylamb- ..what do you need? I'll do anything to get him back.

JRey- I need you to make James' life a living hell. I've been trying but he has better friends now. I need help.

Sallylamb- why do you hate him?

JRey- do you want Thomas or not?

Sallylamb- how will Thomas come back to me?

JRey- I stole a potion. Love potion. And hate potion. He will ignore James and love you.

Sallylamb- ..fine. You bastard.

JRey- I love you too.

Sallylamb- James didn't do anything to you.

JRey- not yet

JRey- but he has the power I need...

Sallylamb- what're you on to Reynolds?

JRey- that doesn't matter. I need to suspend his power once again...

JRey- hopefully... permanently...

* 'JRey' has disconnected.*


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