Chapter 15

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Thomas' POV

(Him getting ready for the date)

I plug my ears as Lafayette screams in my ear because I told him I have a date with James.

"Jesus Christ Laf!" I scream over him.

"Désolé! I'm just excited!" He screams hugging me. I shake my head but hug back.

"This is amazing! Where are you going?? What're you gonna wear?? When is it? Are—.."

"Laf, Calm. Down." I say. Almost instantly after, Hercules, John, and Alex burst through the door.

"WE HEARD THOMAS HAS A DATE!!" Alex exclaims.


"I predict the future dude.." John says crossing his arms.

"Oh... yeah.." I say awkwardly.

After that I was basically attacked with questions and outfits. It took us about an hour to get an outfit. Is this happening to James too? But like, with the Schuyler sisters?
Nah.. probably not.

We finally decided on a black flannel and jeans. It took forever just to decide that.

"Oh! You know what would be cute?? Get him a necklace or something!" Laf suggests while jumping up and down. I roll my eyes.

"I don't have time!" I tell him, making sure I have everything before we head to the Schuyler's house.

"YES YOU DO!" Laf screams dragging me to his car with everyone else. We head to a jewelry store and spread out. Looking for a necklace. Lafayette is looking with me and everyone else is spread out looking.

"James likes flowers right?" Lafayette asks me and I nod. He points to a section with necklaces with flower gems. One specifically caught my eye though.

  It was expensive

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  It was expensive.. but perfect... I show John the necklace.

"That's perfect." He comments, looking at the necklace in the display case. We buy it and head to the Schuyler's mansion.

James' P.O.V.

  Peggy walks down the stairs and I hear her greet Thomas. I freeze halfway down the stairs.

"JJ! Come on!" Peggy yells for me and I squeak. I make sure my outfit looks okay then very slowly walk down the stairs. I see Thomas, the sisters, John, Alex, Hercules, and Lafayette. Everyone smiles at me as I slowly walk down the stairs. I nervously walk forward in front of Thomas. He stares at me wide eyed.

"H-hi..." I mumble.

"W-wow.." he stutters out. I feel my cheeks heat up. He seems to snap back into reality and blushes.

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now