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Soooo.... I have a few things.

1. Should I do a face reveal? I mean I haven't done it cause I want to save you all from my ugly face but should I??

2. A chapter on here will be out in a little bit.

3. Go follow Johnnn-laurens and LadyAlvera
You won't regret it they're both amazing peoples.

4. So I'm getting really worried about this story. I feel like it's not good at all. I read it over and I just don't think it's good enough. What do you guys think? Is it good enough??

5. I don't have a posting schedule because I post when I want don't judge me! 😂

That's it for now! By you all peoples of the beautiful universe!! 💜🖤💙❤️💕💓💞😘😘

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