Chapter 36

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James' POV

  Thomas and I went home after the incident that happened. We couldn't go back to our dorms, so we chilled out at a hotel. I was pretty silent. The ride to the hotel was completely quiet. I had a feeling Thomas didn't even know what to say. We parked in the parking lot of the hotel. It was later at night now.

  I want to make it up to Peggy..

But it's hard because I don't know how. Thomas Carried our bags inside the hotel. We checked in and went up to our room. We got onto the elevator.

"Are you alright, baby?" Thomas asked me quietly. I looked down, a pretty blank expression upon my face. He sighed and the elevator doors opened. We went to our room that was actually pretty big. It had a couch, small kitchen areas with a mini fridge and microwave, a half master bathroom, a large desk that could also be used as a table, a TV, and a king bed. Thomas set our bag down and I looked out the window of our room. Thomas goes to the bathroom.

I'm left with an almost endless chain of thoughts that drags me under. About Peggy, and myself, about Maria and her child. About Thomas and I's relationship. I need to handle one problem at a time. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.

"Whats on your mind?" Thomas whispers to me while holding me. I sigh and put my hands over his.

"A lot.." I mumbled.

"Would you like to clarify?" Thomas asked softly. He kisses my head and I couldn't help but blush lightly.

"I want to make it up to Peggy. I do.. but I don't know how.. I think she got a lot off her chest when she yelled at me.. once she gets out.. she's going to be with Maria a lot helping with their child. I don't want us to drift apart." I explain to Thomas.

"And you won't. You guys are the closest friends I've ever seen. It's amazing.. Peggy still loves you Hun. And I know you still love her." Thomas whispered soothingly.

"I do.." I whisper back to him. "I guess I just feel guilty" I whisper again.

"and you have that right." I feel Thomas let go of me. I sigh and looked down. I suddenly hear slow music play. I can't identify the song. I turn around and Thomas smiles at me. He holds his hand out.

"May I have this dance?" He asks. I giggle at his cheesiness. What a dork.

"What is this? The 1700s?" I ask with a giggled, "But yes.. you may.." I whisper and take his hand. He smiles and interlocks our fingers together. They fit just like a puzzle.. I love it. I put one of my hands on his shoulder and he wraps his other arm around my waist. We slowly sway in circles, moving around the room. He twirls me, causing me to giggle.

Everything feels lifted. He's mine.. and I'm his.. forever and always.

It's strange to think about. I used to hate myself.. be so quiet.. and Thomas didn't like himself either. Well, he didn't like his power..

We balance out each other nicely. I glance at his tattoo and smile. Suddenly, both of our tattoos glow, I half expect our silhouettes to join us in the dancing, but Thomas' skin glows slightly. He's suddenly in a black suit and tie with a rose in the pocket. My eyes widen and I tilt my head. He looks down at his outfit confused. Suddenly my outfit changes.

A beautiful white gown. It has lace and shows my feminine curves. I have a white flower crown on and a robe like thing but it's lace. I blush at this sight of me but Thomas just grins. He pulls me close again and we dance some more. We probably look ridiculous but it doesn't feel that way. Both of our tattoos glowing as we dance.

It almost doesn't feel real.. all we've been through together in such little time. It's sure been hectic. I smile and he twirls me. I giggle and turn to hold onto him again but I turn and see him on one knee. My eyes widen.

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now