Chapter 8

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Sally's P.O.V. (That can't be good xD)

   "James, is this really necessary?" I ask, annoyed while James puts dark makeup under my eye.

"Quit complaining." He tells me, mixing the colors with his thumb. I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him.

  I'm Sally. I have a light tattoo and I'm Thomas' ex girlfriend. I cheated on him for awhile. I knew he deserved it. He still loves me, I know it. I can see it on his face. My tattoo is across my neck, with a spike looking thing in the middle. I can create spikes to trap or attack people, and I can heal people. I can also teleport places. Ever since Thomas broke up with me, I've wanted him back. I love him. He loves me, he just doesn't know it yet. I'm friends with James because he helped me blackmail some people and I helped him lore people into his traps.

"Done." He says, with an evil smirk.

I get off the sink, and turn to look at myself in the mirror. My face looks beaten up pretty bad. How was he so good at this? It's creepy... I love it.

"Perfect." I say, smirking at myself.

"You'll tell him that you were attacked by me, and no one else will help you. You need to convince him you've changed. Here," he hands me a bottle of what looks like perfume. "Spray it onto his face when the time comes." He directs me and I nod. He writes down the dorm Thomas is staying at, and I look at it and teleport there. This is it... finally getting my Tommy back...

Thomas' P.O.V.

  James left to hang out with Peggy for a 'girl emergency'. Whatever that means... he wasn't supposed to be home for another hour or longer, so I stay here bored. On my phone, texting Lafayette. I hear a knock at the door.

James shouldn't be home yet... all well. I'm not complaining.

I smile and go to open the door. Once I open door, I immediately regret it. My face grows to one of anger as I see the face I despise. Sally. She looks up at me... I can't help when my fave softens because I see tears running down her face. Her face is badly beaten, bruises on her cheek and she had a black eye.

"What are you doing here Sally." I still spit her name out like it's venom and I'm disgusted to speak that name.

"Please Thomas.." she sobs out, making me fidget.

"I'm.. s-so so sorry... I'm so terrible p-please. My now ex b-boyfriends been d-doing me wrong... beating me.. cheating me... mistreating me.." she cries out, holding her bruised arms.

"I-I can't take it anymore!" She yells, sobbing more.

"Why should I believe you?" I ask, sounding less angry than I wanted.

"You gotta help me.. please. I don't have the means to go on Thomas. I did so many things wrong to y-you.. and now I'm getting the same treatment and it's terrible! I'm so so sorry! Please give me another chance... I'll do anything..." she chokes on a sob again..

I can't leave her in the hall like this...

"Dang it Sally... come on.." I say, opening the door and letting her in. She thanks me quietly and walks in. I close the door behind her and sigh, as she sits on the couch, still crying. I can't help but feel bad. Sure she did terrible things to me, but I can't stand to see people cry. I swear, if I was the maddest person ever or hated you, if you started crying in-front of me. I wouldn't be able to take it, I would give in immediately. I bend down next to Sally, who is trying to calm her sobs.

"Shh.. it's okay.. now what happened? Who did this?" I ask her softly. She tries not to sob again and takes a small deep breath.

"J-James R-Reynolds..." She tells me, staring at me with her teary eyes.

That bastard.

"Thomas I'm so sorry for coming to you like this.." she apologizes to me, while wiping her tears. I nod... I can't say no to that. I may have a short temper and a bad tattoo, but I have a heart. I'm a big softie.

"It's okay Sally. Please don't go near Reynolds again. He's nothing but trouble." I tell her. She mumbles under her breath in response. I hug her for a second, causing her to flinch at me touch. That makes me upset. I release her and look into her eyes. I wipe some of the tears from her cheeks and smile. She smiles back and giggles.

"Th-thank you." She says quietly and I nod.

"Do you want some water? Or something else?" I ask her politely.

"Water sounds nice... if that's okay.." she tells me.

"Of course." I reply, while standing up and going into the kitchen. Lafayette is so going to kill me.

How will Jemmy react?

  I think to myself before walking back to the living room with the water.

"Here Sal, I got you-.." I'm cut off by something hitting my face.

Everything seems to disappear....

James' P.O.V.

  "You're going to be the death of me." I tell Peggy as she adjusts the skirt on the green dress I'm wearing.

"You love it!" She gushes, now adjusting the sleeves.

"You're the only one that's my size JJ. Sorry!" She says, with tightening the back of the dress. I roll my eyes. I'll never admit to her I loved trying on clothes. Hercules made this for her and apparently she just had to try it on. Well.. have me test it first. It really is a beautiful dress though. Dark green ball gown dress, with lace going down the arms and shoulders.

  "Done! Thanks so much JJ!" She says, while hugging me tightly

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  "Done! Thanks so much JJ!" She says, while hugging me tightly. I shrug and smile at her. I truly do love her so much. She's always been there for me. Through thick and thin.

"No problem sis." I reply, admiring the dress in the full length mirror in her bedroom. She quickly unties the back and flips onto her bed, checking her phone. I go into her master bathroom and change quickly.

"Hey James... who's this..?" Peggy asks me. She said my first name.. this must be serious. She shows me a picture on Instagram of Thomas and... a girl..? At our dorm.. him kissing her cheek while she's taking the picture. My heart plummets to my stomach, I can almost feel it breaking. Peggy sees my reaction and frowns. She hugs me tightly and I didn't even realize tears running down my face.

I really should have saw this coming...

"I'm so sorry JJ.." she whispers in my ear, pulling away after. She gives me a sad smile and wipes some of my tears. I wipe the rest away and smile back.

"It's fine.. I'm fine.. if he's happy.. I'm happy." I tell her.

"C'mon. Let's watch a movie and eat some ice cream or something." She says, waving her hands around smiling. I couldn't help but smile and chuckle at her. She always knows how to cheer me up. I nod and she goes downstairs to get some ice cream. I feel.. weird.. like somethings wrong.

I want to talk to Thomas...

But the only words that would come out of my mouth right now...

Are, "How could you...?"

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now