Chapter 31

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No POV(?)

  "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! DON'T TOUCH ME!! SHUT UP!!" Peggy screamed as all the doctors around her tried to pin her down to the metal table. She kicked and punched at the gloved doctors, who were trying to sedate her. Eliza cried silently into Angie's shoulder as she heard the screams of her sister. Peggy let out an ear-piercing scream, making Eliza sob. Angie held her sisters hand as tears streamed down her face. Peggy's screams calmed as a needle strikes into her arm. Her body now felt numb and she couldn't move. Just tears falling down her face as she stared blankly at the ceiling. It was around 4 in the morning. Angie and Eliza stayed up all night with Peggy. Every time her sedation medicine wore off, she would scream and kick again. The doctors took the time to give her medication, trying to get her to sleep. Eliza traced her fingers delicately across Peggy's notebook. John had gone home awhile ago, around 2 am. Eliza and Angie decided to wait to tell everyone that Peggy was in this condition until they got news on what will happen. Or until they knew for sure everyone was awake. They dreaded telling James. A doctor with tired eyes and messed up hair comes out of Peggy's room after 10 minutes of sedation.

"You can go in, Be careful." She tells the sisters. Eliza pat down her tangled locks of hair and walked behind Angie as they walked into Peggy's room. Peggy instantly shot up from her laying position. Glaring at the two. She tries to bring her hands up but is stopped from the straps holding down her wrists to the table. She tugged at the straps. Trying to break through like an animal in a cage. Eliza and Angie cried more and sat down next to Peggy.

"You son of a bitch!" Peggy screamed at Angie and Eliza. Both girls tensed up at Peggy's language. Tears rolling down their cheeks. Peggy scoffed and laughed maniacally, as if she was insane. Her sisters were actually pretty sure that their sister was insane now... at least she acted as though she was.

"You're crying?? Wow!" She insults. Her eyes went completely white, a light glow to them. Eliza flinched and buried her face into Angelica's shoulder.

"Peggy.." she said in a barely audible voice. Peggy laid her head down on her pillow and pulled at the straps that held her down again. Peggy looked away from her sisters and relaxed her body. Falling asleep. She had been so worn down, and tired from the screaming and crying. The struggling to break free and just run. Run to where no one could get her. No bothers. No stress. She didn't want to worry and be overlooked.

She didn't want to be touched. The overwhelming amount of medicine filled her body, only draining her more.

"... for all these reasons.." the doctor starts to finish up explaining what will happen to Peggy.

"She is very dangerous. One things and she could snap. I think you can understand why we have to keep her or send her to a hospital where she can be stabilized." Eliza choked on a sob and dug her face into Angelica's shoulder. Angelica put a hand on Eliza's head, tears streaming down her face. Angelica nodded and sniffed.

"Y-yes... we give permission.. whatever c-can help her.." Angelica choked out. The two signed some paper work and said goodbye to Peggy, who only cursed at them. They walked out of the hospital, tired and worried. Tears still running down their faces in an endless stream. They get into the car, the temperature seeming to drop, and slam the car door shut. Angelica broke down. Pulling her knees to her chest, and hyperventilating, as more tears ran down her face.

"I-I-I f-failed h-h-her!" Angelica said between her tears. Eliza hushed her sister while crying herself. Seeing now both of her sisters are broken.

This moment they knew...

This was a family thing...

James didn't need to know

Nobody else.. needed to know..

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