Chapter 9- What do you need?

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James' P.O.V.

After binge watching Stranger Things and Mean Girls, and eating loads of ice cream, I decided to stay the night. I didn't want to interrupt... anything that could be happening at the dorm...

Just thinking about it makes me cringe... just thinking of him with someone else makes my heart break more and more.

"JJ, I'm sorry he did that and he found someone." Peggy apologizes to me for the 10th time.

"It's fine Jem. I've just never had a crush before and we'll... it just.. stings I guess. I'm really fine though." I lie. We both lay in her bed. We gossip for awhile before both of our phones go off.

Magic goals

FavoriteFrenchman- WHO ELSE SAW THOMAS' POST??

ColoredTears- I did. What the heck is he thinking?

Gay™️- something doesn't feel right...

DontYell- can you guys like, not talk about Thomas?

FlowerBoy- Shush Pegs I'm fine.

ColoredTears- Are we missing something here?

Soccermom- he couldn't have gotten back with her.

Ew.Sun.- with who?

FavoriteFrenchman- his Ex... Sally...

FavoriteFrenchman- I can't believe him.

FlowerBoy- what's going on?

Without.a.rose- Ew. I refuse to be in gc with James. That's just gross.

*-'Without.a.rose' has left the chat-*

*-'Without.a.rose' has blocked 'FlowerBoy'-*

TheOldest- what... just happened.

  I feel guilt in my stomach and set my phone down. What did I do..? I ignore Peggy and fall asleep in an uncomfortable state of mind...


  That entire week, Thomas has been a jerk to me. He's told me he hates me. He tells me to kill myself. He ignores Lafayette's pleas for him to break up with Sally and to talk to me. I've been distancing myself from everyone.. wearing black more often... Peggy is the most worried and the sisters... they've seen me like this before.. it isn't pretty.

"Hey James..? Mon ami?" Laf asks, sitting at our lunch table. I just keep drawing in m sketch pad, ignoring him. I don't want help or pity.

"James." Alex tries this time. Again, I ignore them.

"James Kayne Madison are you going to ignore your friends and be depressed or ask for help?" Peggy snaps at me while standing up. I can tell she's just worried.

"I don't want help Margarita!" I snap back, standing up. Silence goes through the lunch table and a few other students stare at me.

"Y-You called me Margarita..." Peggy states and I nod.

"You called me James." I reply, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I just want my best friend back... my brother..." She says, sitting back down. I scoff and grab my sketch pad before leaving. I walk towards the bathroom.

"James.." John says quietly to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I freeze. He sighs when I say nothing in return and whispers in my ear.

"It's not Thomas' fault. Something happened... something bad... I can't tell you exactly. Thomas is cursed. You're the only one who can fix it... look into his eyes." John tells me, I stay frozen, but nod. He lets go of me and I continue walking.

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