Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

  James' P.O.V.

  "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO PEGGY!" I complain to my friend. She giggles and me and rolls her eyes. "Having a crush, isn't a crime JJ." She tells me. I still had the pink and blue flower Thomas had given me. Both were in a case on my desk. Peggy sat on my bed, looking amused by the situation. I was complaining to her how I had a crush on Thomas and how stupid I was.

"He's not even Gay or Bi or whatever." I groan in annoyance. Peggy rolls her eyes once again.
"That doesn't matter JJ. If you like him then that's okay." She reassures me. I sigh and flop onto my bed, my face smushing into it. I feel the bed shift, noting Peggy was not laying on her stomach.

"So what else happened last night?" She asks me. I bite my lip. Did I want to tell her that my magic was getting better? Yes. But no? I want to but I don't. She's always wanted to help get my powers to work and she might push it. I take a deep breath and face her. She looks at me, waiting for my answer.

"Okay.. my powers.. may or may not have been working last night..?" I tell her in more of a question. She takes a second to process what I said, the screeched in excitement.

"THAT'S GREAT JJ! IM SO PROUD OF YOU!" She exclaims, bringing me in a tight hug. I chuckle and hug her back.

  Peggy was always like my sister. She's so sweet and we gossip to each other all the time. "So what happened? What power?" She questions me, letting me go. Her eyes filled to the brim with excitement.

"Thomas was making a black silhouette on his hand," I start and tell her what happened.

"John said he can't tell me what power I have and I need to figure it out on my own." I finish.

"Did you feel weak after, or get a headache or something?" She asks me, looking pretty amazed at what I had explained to her.

"I just felt tired. Nothing much." I tell her with a shrug. We sit in silence for a bit.

"... Can you try and control it right now?" She asks me. I shrug. I mean, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. I sigh and hold out my hand and close my eyes, trying to concentrate. I didn't know what activates it, except for that silhouette of Thomas'.

"James..." Peggy gets my attention. I opened my eyes and saw a white light swirling around in my hand. Peggy's mouth gasped open with a smile. I smile brightly and put my other hand above it, and circle my hands. I make a white orb in the center of my hands.

"Throw it, throw it, throw it!" Peggy chants making me laugh. I sit on my knees, and push my hands forward, making the orb shoot forward and hit the wall. It hits the wall with a great impact and spreads out into nothingness.

"Whoa! That was-.." Peggy starts, but is cut off my our phones going off.

We iz friends GC

FrenchiFri- LAMS IS A GO!!!

BlackMagicDR- About Time!!

ColoredTears- SHUT UP!

GayTurtle- I despise you all right now.

Sungal- That's great..!

Youcantseeme- Can't talk right now

Don'ttouchme- Congrats guys!

JJ- what the heck is lams?

BlackMagicDR- the ship name for Alex and John.

GayTurtle- -///-

JJ- oh! So they're together?

SuperStrongperson- YEp!

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now